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Sunday, December 2, 2012
लोकसत्ताच्या 'लाऊडस्पीकर' फोरममध्ये इसीसी
अन्न, वस्त्र, निवाऱ्याबरोबरच 'शिक्षण' ही सहा ते १४ वर्षे वयोगटातील मुलांची मूलभूत गरज आहे, यावर २००९च्या शिक्षण हक्क कायद्याने शिक्कामोर्तब केले. हा कायदा अस्तित्वात आल्यापासून यात बऱ्याच सुधारणा झाल्या, भविष्यात होत राहतील. पण, शिक्षणाच्या प्रवाहापासून दूर फेकल्या गेलेल्या मुलांना न्याय देण्यात किंवा जे या प्रवाहात आधीपासून आहेत त्यांचे गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षणाअभावी सुरू असलेले 'गटांगळ्या' घेणे थांबले आहे का, याचा विचार होणे आवश्यक आहे. शिक्षण हक्क कायदा आणि मराठी शाळांचा प्रश्न या विषयावर पुण्यात आयोजित करण्यात आलेल्या 'लोकसत्ता-लाऊडस्पीकर' या कार्यक्रमात, शिक्षण हक्क कायद्याची आवश्यकता, त्याच्या अंमलबजावणीमध्ये उद्भवणाऱ्या अडचणी, शिक्षणाची घसरणारी गुणवत्ता, नियोजित मुदतीत सर्व तरतुदींची पूर्तता होणार का, कायद्याच्या आणि अनुदानाच्या सापळ्यात अडकलेल्या मराठी शाळांचे भविष्य, शाळाबाह्य़ मुले अशा विविध मुद्दय़ांवर शिक्षण क्षेत्रातील विविध घटकांच्या प्रतिनिधींनी चर्चा केली. चर्चेमध्ये शिक्षण संचालक डॉ. श्रीधर साळुंखे, पुणे शिक्षण मंडळाचे अध्यक्ष बाबा धुमाळ, शिक्षणसंस्था महामंडळाचे कार्यवाह डॉ. आर. पी. जोशी, डोअरस्टेप स्कूलच्या सदस्या भावना कुलकर्णी, शिक्षणतज्ज्ञ डॉ. रमेश पानसे, अ. ल. देशमुख, विविध शिक्षण संस्थांचे प्रतिनिधी, शिक्षक, स्वयंसेवी संस्थांचे प्रतिनिधी आणि पालक संघटनांचे प्रतिनिधी सहभागी झाले होते.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Come, Join this Citizens’ Campaign...ECC!
As a housewife, there were countless occasions when I paused in whatever that I was busy with and wondered, “Isn’t there something else worthwhile that I can do with my time? My children have grown up and lead their own lives. So then, where do I invest my energy and time?”
‘Seeing every child in school and learning well’ is a dream close to my heart. It pains me every time I see children who should be in school, roaming around. How often I have wished I had some qualities of a Pied Piper who could lead them to a nearby school!
When I saw an opportunity to volunteer for the Every Child Counts (ECC) Citizens’ campaign, I just knew I had to be a part of it. The campaign is working towards the common goal of admitting all 6-7 year old children in Pune in a PMC school near their home. These children are mainly from poor families who form the bulk of migrant laborers that move from one location to another in search of livelihood.
When I saw an opportunity to volunteer for the Every Child Counts (ECC) Citizens’ campaign, I just knew I had to be a part of it. The campaign is working towards the common goal of admitting all 6-7 year old children in Pune in a PMC school near their home. These children are mainly from poor families who form the bulk of migrant laborers that move from one location to another in search of livelihood.
At the meeting held every Saturday for all the new volunteers, I was impressed with the total commitment and enthusiasm of the other volunteers. I was happy to be told that volunteers have flexible timings; in fact we ourselves have to decide the area and how many hours a week we can work for this campaign. We also have to choose the type of work we are interested in so that we naturally contribute our skills to the campaign.
The work is broadly divided into three steps: surveying sites to identify children; admitting them to PMC schools in their vicinity; and doing a follow-up to find the retention in schools. I was a little hesitant but decided to get to know the basics and so decided to accompany another ECC worker for a survey on a construction site the next day. I was gently advised to wear comfortable walking shoes!
The site supervisor had given us the required permission to meet the children in the labor camp. We wore helmets and accompanied him going past partially completed buildings. We walked by mounds of rubble and deep pits to reach a clearing with a number of huts arranged in rows. This was the labor camp. At a glance it seemed deserted but as we stood there and explained our work to the supervisor, curious eyes started peering at us. A few other workers stopped their work to find out what business we had in their territory! In the meantime, one person was sent with a message to the labor camp. Before I could ask ‘Are there any children living here?’ there was a sudden outpouring of little feet and a 50 metre dash to reach us!
There were 37 children of ages ranging from a few months to young teenagers. I was so shocked that I had no words. Statistical data translated into reality made an unbelievable scene! We took down the details of all the children over six years. They were asked if they would like to go to school. Some of the younger ones jumped up with excitement; the older ones who had some idea of a school they had attended long, long, ago were more subdued in their response. ‘Oh school! Very difficult to go and come!’ was the general refrain of the adults who had also gathered there. ‘The older siblings have to look after the younger ones and girls also have to look after the home!’
I soon realized there is very little awareness about the importance of education and its long term benefits. Their immediate requirement of food and shelter overrides all other possibilities and opportunities for their children. Also the constant change in their environment – new surroundings, new language, new challenges in their day-to-day life makes them very apprehensive of sending their children to school. I also learnt that counseling parents is the most important intermediate step between identifying and admitting a child in school. The best results are obtained when the parents are strongly motivated to educate their children. Obstacles of any shape and size are then overcome easily.
As the number of children was quite large, a school preparation camp was conducted to facilitate their entry into school life. A teacher was appointed and classes were conducted regularly in April and May. Unfortunately we could not interact with the parents on a daily basis as they would be at work.We sometimes stayed back or came early to meet the parents and convince them to send their children to school.
By mid-June 2012, these children had learned to sit in one place and write the Marathi alphabet. They were in short, ready for school and were admitted in a PMC school near their home. Today, some attend school regularly but many are unable to attend due to lack of transport or a suitable escort to take them to school. As the construction sites are far away from the main road, going by bus for 6-year-olds is not a practical option. Also, as their parents are busy earning their daily bread, nobody is available at home to ensure they go to school. In many cases ECC workers have arranged for their school transport along with an escort.
The ECC campaign has benefitted many such children. This is just the first step. We have a long way to go to not only ensure all children go to school,but also are retained there.
If you share the dream of seeing every child in school and can spare 3-4 hours a week, please do come forward and lend your might to this campaign. Whether it is in the field collecting data, admitting children in schools, following up, counseling parents, or helping in administration, research, compiling data, making teaching aids etc. your skills are most welcome.
Just getting out of my comfort zone and going into the field has given me the satisfaction of helping at least some children go to school. Their smiles are rewards in themselves and have acted as an impetus for further involvement in the campaign – wanting to reach out to more out-of-school children.
We have a daunting task before us because we know each and every child counts! Join this campaign and surprise yourself with your own achievements! That is a promise for now.
For more information:
- Archana Vyavaharkar
(Volunteer with ECC Campaign)
Thursday, November 15, 2012
A Small Step Towards Big Initiative: ECC News in Indian Express
News about Every Child Counts campaign published in The Indian Express of 14th November 2012.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012
ECC Campaign Status in August 2012
'Every Child Counts' campaign has initiated an ongoing 'survey--admission--follow-up' activity since last year. Efforts are being taken in order to bridge the gap between children and schools. The campaign team, along with citizen volunteers, has been trying to find out children, who need help in reaching schools. Most of the children not getting enrolled in schools, are from migrant labour families. So far, ECC has conducted survey at more than 700 locations where migrant labourers are found. (It is estimated that total number of such locations in Pune would be more than 2,000!) Out of these 700+ locations, around 450 had children who needed help in reaching schools.
Till August 2012, ECC could enrol around 600 children in schools across Pune city. However, it is observed that only 400 are attending schools regularly. Why are these 200 children still away from school? Here's a quick analysis by ECC:
1. A child of 6 or 7 years age cannot travel/walk/ride to school on its own. It needs some escort for daily commute. Preferably, this escort should be the child's parents, which is hardly possible in case of labourers working on daily wages. (Forget about child's basic psychological need of being with mother or father during its initial exposure to external world!)
Statistics: Out of 400, less than 10 children are being escorted to school by parents. Around 100 children have to walk to the school on their own or in groups.
2. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Education Dept (Shikshan Mandal) of PMC have committed to provide transport facility to children in question. However, the management and logistics part (finding a local van or rickshaw, identifying and verifying needy children, supervising daily transport activity, actual payments and reimbursements, etc) has held back the scheme till date.
Statistics: With the help of few concerned school staff members, close to 130 children are getting benefitted by some or the other means of transport (but with no assured provisions for entire year).
3. As an integral part of taking every child to school, ECC decided to make transport provisions on immediate basis, wherever required. Focus was shifted from new admissions to continuity of already admitted children. Local vans or rickshaws were identified by volunteers and field staff, and transport started at very non-standard rates. It is becoming difficult to arrange funds for everyday transport expenses. Not sure how many days ECC can transport these children. (And more than 50% admissions are still pending...)
Statistics: Around 150 children are using transport facility by ECC, since June 2012. Vans and rickshaws are charging anywhere between Rs.400 and Rs.800 per child per month. (PMC estimate on school transport is Rs.300 per child per month. Daily management and follow-up with rickshaw-wallas is a different story altogether...)
What are possible solutions?
The 'survey--admission--follow-up' process will have to be continued till every child gets its right to education. The campaign is a citizens' initiative. It believes in every citizen's contribution. And it believes - every child counts!
Till August 2012, ECC could enrol around 600 children in schools across Pune city. However, it is observed that only 400 are attending schools regularly. Why are these 200 children still away from school? Here's a quick analysis by ECC:
1. A child of 6 or 7 years age cannot travel/walk/ride to school on its own. It needs some escort for daily commute. Preferably, this escort should be the child's parents, which is hardly possible in case of labourers working on daily wages. (Forget about child's basic psychological need of being with mother or father during its initial exposure to external world!)
Statistics: Out of 400, less than 10 children are being escorted to school by parents. Around 100 children have to walk to the school on their own or in groups.
2. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Education Dept (Shikshan Mandal) of PMC have committed to provide transport facility to children in question. However, the management and logistics part (finding a local van or rickshaw, identifying and verifying needy children, supervising daily transport activity, actual payments and reimbursements, etc) has held back the scheme till date.
Statistics: With the help of few concerned school staff members, close to 130 children are getting benefitted by some or the other means of transport (but with no assured provisions for entire year).
3. As an integral part of taking every child to school, ECC decided to make transport provisions on immediate basis, wherever required. Focus was shifted from new admissions to continuity of already admitted children. Local vans or rickshaws were identified by volunteers and field staff, and transport started at very non-standard rates. It is becoming difficult to arrange funds for everyday transport expenses. Not sure how many days ECC can transport these children. (And more than 50% admissions are still pending...)
Statistics: Around 150 children are using transport facility by ECC, since June 2012. Vans and rickshaws are charging anywhere between Rs.400 and Rs.800 per child per month. (PMC estimate on school transport is Rs.300 per child per month. Daily management and follow-up with rickshaw-wallas is a different story altogether...)
What are possible solutions?
- Parents taking interest in child's education & attendance in school. THE BEST, but most difficult solution!
- Schools and PMC arranging daily transport of children living away from school. Schools need to be empowered (financially and resourcefully) for handling this activity.
- Local citizens volunteering to arrange and monitor the transport (and escort, if possible) on daily basis. A group of concerned senior citizens, professionals, students, ladies, can help the children reach school everyday, safely and surely.
The 'survey--admission--follow-up' process will have to be continued till every child gets its right to education. The campaign is a citizens' initiative. It believes in every citizen's contribution. And it believes - every child counts!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Volunteering Opportunities with ECC
The 'Every Child Counts' campaign started school admissions from 15th of June 2012. Children surveyed till June are being enrolled in nearest PMC schools. Since the target group belongs to migrant labour families, it is difficult to declare the survey activity as 'complete'. With new constructions coming up in the city every day, more number of migrant labour and their children can be found everywhere. Hence, the survey--admission--follow-up activities will go on in different areas of Pune. Looking at the scope of work, ECC needs many more volunteers to contribute in their own area. Volunteers can participate in following ways:
Please write to us if you want to join the campaign and help children get their right of education!
1. Follow-up of children enrolled through ECC campaign: Sites and schools will be assigned to volunteers, based on their location. They can visit the school on Saturday or visit the sites in morning/evening time (or on Sunday) to track attendance of the children. Any difficulty/problem can be reported back to campaign team for further action.
2. Conduct extra-curricular activities at schools on Saturday: Depending on skills and availability of volunteers, activities like story-telling, art and craft, painting, etc. can be planned at PMC schools or Door Step School construction site classes.
3. Help in making teaching aids: Some of the volunteers can visit DSS training center to learn making teaching aids. Volunteer groups can then plan this activity on Sundays for all other volunteers at their own locations.
4. Write about own experience: Volunteers involved in survey and admission activities can write about their experiences. We will share them with other volunteers, will publish on blog, and will try to send to newspapers. Volunteers can also help by spreading the word about ECC campaign and immediate needs like transport and follow-up.
Please write to us if you want to join the campaign and help children get their right of education!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
शाळेची सुरूवात - डॉ. प्रकाश आमटे
चंद्रपूर जिल्ह्यातल्या भामरागड परिसरात 'माडिया गोंड' आदिवासींसोबत काम करतानाचे अनुभव डॉ. प्रकाश आमटे यांनी आपल्या 'प्रकाशवाटा' या पुस्तकात लिहिले आहेत. या आदिवासींना मुख्य प्रवाहात आणण्याचं, त्यांची पिळवणूक थांबवण्याचं, आणि त्यांना माणूस म्हणून जगण्याची संधी मिळवून देण्याचं स्वप्न बाबा आमटेंनी पाहिलं होतं. त्यासाठी 'शिक्षण' हेच एकमेव माध्यम समोर दिसत होतं. हेमलकशाच्या भागात शाळा सुरू करताना त्यांना आलेल्या अडचणी आणि त्यावरचे उपाय त्यांनी 'प्रकाशवाटा'मध्ये लिहिले आहेत. १९७६ साली आदिवासींसाठी शाळा सुरू करताना आलेल्या अडचणी आणि २०१२ साली पुण्यासारख्या शहरात मुलांना शाळेपर्यंत पोचविण्यात येणार्या अडचणी यांत कमालीचं साधर्म्य आढळतं...
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Monday, July 9, 2012
Educating Every Child - City Plus
News about school admissions started by Every Child Counts campaign...
City Plus - Kondhwa/Wanowrie, July 8-14, 2012, Page 7
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City Plus - Kondhwa/Wanowrie, July 8-14, 2012, Page 7
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012
विद्यार्थ्यांचं स्वागत करणारी शाळा...
खेडेगावातली एक शाळा नवीन शैक्षणिक वर्षाच्या सुरुवातीला विद्यार्थ्यांचं मिरवणूक काढून स्वागत करते. सर्व शाळांच्या शिक्षकांनी असा उत्साह दाखवायचं ठरवलं तर...?
Changing their views...and lives!
Vikas lives with his parents on a construction site in Pune. He has been enrolled in a nearby government school. He also attends study classes run by Door Step School at the site. On a recent occasion, Vikas expressed his views about school and study, through these wonderful slogans :-
This is what right environment does with children. It changes their views...and lives!
Well done Vikas!
"Aadhi Roti Khayenge, Phir Bhi School Jayenge"
"Maa-Baap Ki Ek Hi Ichha - Bachche Paaye Poori Shiksha"
"Khushboo Ho Har Phool Mein - Bachche Ho Saare School Mein"
This is what right environment does with children. It changes their views...and lives!
Well done Vikas!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Civic schools to remain open on Sunday
The school board of Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has decided to keep the civic schools open on July 1, a Sunday to facilitate admissions of poor students in municipal schools.
PMC runs 294 schools in the city with Marathi, Urdu and English as mediums of instruction. Over 80,000 students are studying in these schools. A large number of students represent the lower income group.
"The parents of many students work on daily wage basis. They works as construction labours or workers in the fringe areas of the city. If they don't work even for a day or two, they find it tough to make both the ends meet. So these people don't tend to spend their time of weekdays for works like taking admissions for their wards in schools. This affects overall admissions of needy children," said officials of the municipal school board.
"The main aim is to provide schooling to students representing lower strata of society. But practical problems like parents not getting leave, are creating obstacles in the admission process. So we decided to find a solution and the idea to keep the schools open on Sunday to facilitate admissions was mooted," said Ramchadra Jadhav, education officer, municipal school board.
He said that board has directed PMC run schools to keep the admission process open on July 1. The principal of the schools will be present in the school along with other required staff to carry out the admission process. The age certificates and other required documents can be submitted to schools during this period. We have also asked various non governmental organizations , educationists and activists to remain present at the schools on Sunday to help the admission process of these students.
(News in The Times Of India - Jun 28, 2012)
PMC runs 294 schools in the city with Marathi, Urdu and English as mediums of instruction. Over 80,000 students are studying in these schools. A large number of students represent the lower income group.
"The parents of many students work on daily wage basis. They works as construction labours or workers in the fringe areas of the city. If they don't work even for a day or two, they find it tough to make both the ends meet. So these people don't tend to spend their time of weekdays for works like taking admissions for their wards in schools. This affects overall admissions of needy children," said officials of the municipal school board.
"The main aim is to provide schooling to students representing lower strata of society. But practical problems like parents not getting leave, are creating obstacles in the admission process. So we decided to find a solution and the idea to keep the schools open on Sunday to facilitate admissions was mooted," said Ramchadra Jadhav, education officer, municipal school board.
He said that board has directed PMC run schools to keep the admission process open on July 1. The principal of the schools will be present in the school along with other required staff to carry out the admission process. The age certificates and other required documents can be submitted to schools during this period. We have also asked various non governmental organizations , educationists and activists to remain present at the schools on Sunday to help the admission process of these students.
(News in The Times Of India - Jun 28, 2012)
Monday, June 25, 2012
PMC School Admission Form
This is the ONLY document required for enrolling children in any PMC school.
Schools have been instructed not to ask for any other document, such as Birth Certificate, Transfer Certificate, etc.
However, it has been observed that some teachers are asking for all these documents, just out of habit! If any volunteer or parent is being asked about any document other than this, please contact 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan' or 'Every Child Counts' immediately!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
The work has begun now...
'Every Child Counts' was launched as a citizens' campaign to ensure every child's right to get education. Most important part of the campaign was school admissions! During last few months, citizen volunteers and social groups, NGO's have been busy finding out 6-year-old children who need to be in schools. Almost all outskirt areas of Pune have been surveyed - Kondhwa, Dhayari, Hadapsar, Balewadi, Baner, Dhanori, etc. More than 2,600 such children were identified. The enrollment drive needed a sound plan like:
1. Locating nearest PMC or ZP schools for children found through surveys;
2. Checking current capacity of these schools with respect to additional enrollments through this campaign;
3. Discussing the situation and immediate possible solutions, with school heads and teachers;
4. Taking the children and their parents to schools on the day of admissions.
The capacity assessment of schools gave big shortfalls at many schools. Discussions with the school heads and teachers went well; however no proactive measures for shortfalls were promised.
PMC schools opened on 15th June. Some transport facility is being arranged by ECC on the first day; however no further plans for everyday transport yet. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Shikshan Mandal of Pune have offered some solutions like - (i) free PMPML bus passes for school-going children; or (ii) schools to arrange local transport through auto-rickshaw or vans, and get reimbursement from PMC. None of the solutions have been finalised yet.
Children are found very very excited about going to school. (A major reason for excitement could be the school bus that they are seeing on day-one...) There is still some resistance or ignorance from some of the parents; however, overall sentiment looks positive. People want their children to be educated; but are holding back - some due to lack of knowledge about schools and admission procedure, others due to fear of fees and academic expenses. A lot of parent awareness is required!
Some parents are visiting the schools along with ECC volunteers. This is a very positive sign, according to the school teachers. This can be considered as a personal success of ECC volunteers. They have worked hard to convince the parents, not only for sending their children but also for being present for the admissions. As of now, the parents are saying that they would look after their children's regular attendance in schools. However, this needs a strong follow-up.
Children across Pune city are being taken to nearest PMC schools. This process will continue until all the children are enrolled in schools. Looks too ambitious? Yes, it is! The survey also looked 'too ambitious' when we planned in November 2011. Apart from school admissions of these children, a 'hidden' agenda of this campaign was to involve citizens in the RTE implementation. To some extent, this campaign has been successful in doing that. Citizens from all over Pune have come foreward to contribute in surveying, teaching, enrolling, and talking-writing-discussing about the Right To Education Act! The school admissions will continue for some time, then facilities at government schools will be checked, then quality of education will be monitored. All this will be done through citizens' force!
Thank you volunteers for your hard work! Sorry, but there's no time for rest. The work has begun now. Hope you all are and will be with us... Because, every child counts!
1. Locating nearest PMC or ZP schools for children found through surveys;
2. Checking current capacity of these schools with respect to additional enrollments through this campaign;
3. Discussing the situation and immediate possible solutions, with school heads and teachers;
4. Taking the children and their parents to schools on the day of admissions.
The capacity assessment of schools gave big shortfalls at many schools. Discussions with the school heads and teachers went well; however no proactive measures for shortfalls were promised.
PMC schools opened on 15th June. Some transport facility is being arranged by ECC on the first day; however no further plans for everyday transport yet. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Shikshan Mandal of Pune have offered some solutions like - (i) free PMPML bus passes for school-going children; or (ii) schools to arrange local transport through auto-rickshaw or vans, and get reimbursement from PMC. None of the solutions have been finalised yet.
Children are found very very excited about going to school. (A major reason for excitement could be the school bus that they are seeing on day-one...) There is still some resistance or ignorance from some of the parents; however, overall sentiment looks positive. People want their children to be educated; but are holding back - some due to lack of knowledge about schools and admission procedure, others due to fear of fees and academic expenses. A lot of parent awareness is required!
Some parents are visiting the schools along with ECC volunteers. This is a very positive sign, according to the school teachers. This can be considered as a personal success of ECC volunteers. They have worked hard to convince the parents, not only for sending their children but also for being present for the admissions. As of now, the parents are saying that they would look after their children's regular attendance in schools. However, this needs a strong follow-up.
Children across Pune city are being taken to nearest PMC schools. This process will continue until all the children are enrolled in schools. Looks too ambitious? Yes, it is! The survey also looked 'too ambitious' when we planned in November 2011. Apart from school admissions of these children, a 'hidden' agenda of this campaign was to involve citizens in the RTE implementation. To some extent, this campaign has been successful in doing that. Citizens from all over Pune have come foreward to contribute in surveying, teaching, enrolling, and talking-writing-discussing about the Right To Education Act! The school admissions will continue for some time, then facilities at government schools will be checked, then quality of education will be monitored. All this will be done through citizens' force!
Thank you volunteers for your hard work! Sorry, but there's no time for rest. The work has begun now. Hope you all are and will be with us... Because, every child counts!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
ECC Presentation
'Every Child Counts' Presentation
ECC Survey Summary Report
ECC Survey Summary Report - till May 2012
'Every Child Counts' campaign team along with volunteers, has so far surveyed 600+ locations in Pune, identifying 2,600+ children of 6-7 years age. Here is a summary report of children and school data.
'Every Child Counts' campaign team along with volunteers, has so far surveyed 600+ locations in Pune, identifying 2,600+ children of 6-7 years age. Here is a summary report of children and school data.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
City Plus publishes ECC news

ECC news published in Dainik Jagran's City Plus (Kondhwa-Wanowrie) on Page 9 of April 1-7, 2012 issue.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
'Miloon Saryajani' supports ECC

मराठी मासिक 'मिळून सार्याजणी'च्या एप्रिल २०१२ अंकात 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स'बद्दल प्रसिद्ध झालेली माहिती.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Making The Right To Education A Living Reality - By Doing Our Bit
How many of us feel hapless at various social abnormalities existing in our society? The feeling of how can I help the situation, as it is a macro problem? My contribution will be very minimal compared to the scale of work required? Even If I want to, how can one single person do anything to address it? I don’t know whom to approach?
Every Child Counts (ECC) is one such initiative or citizen’s campaign that has begun in Pune, with a clear focus of ensuring that every child of school going age i.e. 6 to 7 years of age gets admitted to a Government school by June 2012. The Government has taken the first major step by making a constitutional provision called the Right to Education. This means that every child of School going age has a right to free, formal education up to the primary Level. But it requires no rocket science to know that there exists a paradox within. In other words although the Government has made the right to education a fundamental need, there is a wide gap between the real head count of children who should be in school & the actual number of children who enter School & continue school education especially in the marginalized sections of society.
Every Child Counts (ECC), is therefore a campaign which any willing individual can join in his neighborhood and further the cause of education by identifying children of school going age, who are not attending school & by ensuring their admission in nearby Government schools, who as per this legislation, have to give admission. For this as a pilot project, ECC has tried to form volunteer groups in various Pune Municipal Corporation Areas such as Kondhawa, etc. The expertise and time of the volunteers is used in various ways including :
1. Mapping of areas of migrant population
2. Identifying the nearby schools
3. Contacting migrant parents
4. Enabling them to seek admission of their wards in nearby government schools.
The ECC campaign provides a group, resources and answers to all the doubts and questions a volunteer or parent or school authorities may raise about school admissions. They even have a weekly orientation for the children to be admitted fresh to school where by trained teacher take a weekly orientation program for them. Even the logistics of transport back and forth from school is looked into by this campaign. We only need to pledge our support to the campaign and pitch in with whatever help we can render. It does not require teaching at all, but requires the formation of a human chain of helping hands in the comfort of one’s neighborhood. It requires foot soldiers to take up the task in their own areas.
Who are these children who do not go to school? They are seen in the large population of migrant and casual labor dotting various construction camps in the city in the wards of Brick Kiln workers, children of vendors sitting on street corners who are all kept out of the formal schooling system because they need to move when their parents move. Surprisingly even the children of many domestic workers do not attend school.
The ECC campaign has drawn up a systematic blue print for accomplishing this task for Pune by June, 2012. The campaign will however not end by merely enrolling the children in government schools but will go a step further in taking stock of children’s attendance, determining and assessing the problems and making relevant suggestions/ solutions for policy formulation and administrative handling, in short giving teeth to the legislation. Complete information regarding the campaign is available at :
There can be no better way of giving back to education and society what we have drawn from it. Believe me the spark in the eyes of these children when they are exposed to a learning environment and by bringing sunshine into their lives in this way we will also be contributing to our very own happiness/ satisfaction index. There can be no better way of promoting all inclusive growth and leaving a better society for the future than making the right to education campaign a reality. Taking a resolution that together we can and we will is all that is required to join the campaign.
Please Call:
Rajani Paranjpe - 9371007844
Mandar Shinde - 9822401246.
Sumangala Kumar (ECC Volunteer)
Every Child Counts (ECC) is one such initiative or citizen’s campaign that has begun in Pune, with a clear focus of ensuring that every child of school going age i.e. 6 to 7 years of age gets admitted to a Government school by June 2012. The Government has taken the first major step by making a constitutional provision called the Right to Education. This means that every child of School going age has a right to free, formal education up to the primary Level. But it requires no rocket science to know that there exists a paradox within. In other words although the Government has made the right to education a fundamental need, there is a wide gap between the real head count of children who should be in school & the actual number of children who enter School & continue school education especially in the marginalized sections of society.
Every Child Counts (ECC), is therefore a campaign which any willing individual can join in his neighborhood and further the cause of education by identifying children of school going age, who are not attending school & by ensuring their admission in nearby Government schools, who as per this legislation, have to give admission. For this as a pilot project, ECC has tried to form volunteer groups in various Pune Municipal Corporation Areas such as Kondhawa, etc. The expertise and time of the volunteers is used in various ways including :
1. Mapping of areas of migrant population
2. Identifying the nearby schools
3. Contacting migrant parents
4. Enabling them to seek admission of their wards in nearby government schools.
The ECC campaign provides a group, resources and answers to all the doubts and questions a volunteer or parent or school authorities may raise about school admissions. They even have a weekly orientation for the children to be admitted fresh to school where by trained teacher take a weekly orientation program for them. Even the logistics of transport back and forth from school is looked into by this campaign. We only need to pledge our support to the campaign and pitch in with whatever help we can render. It does not require teaching at all, but requires the formation of a human chain of helping hands in the comfort of one’s neighborhood. It requires foot soldiers to take up the task in their own areas.

The ECC campaign has drawn up a systematic blue print for accomplishing this task for Pune by June, 2012. The campaign will however not end by merely enrolling the children in government schools but will go a step further in taking stock of children’s attendance, determining and assessing the problems and making relevant suggestions/ solutions for policy formulation and administrative handling, in short giving teeth to the legislation. Complete information regarding the campaign is available at :
There can be no better way of giving back to education and society what we have drawn from it. Believe me the spark in the eyes of these children when they are exposed to a learning environment and by bringing sunshine into their lives in this way we will also be contributing to our very own happiness/ satisfaction index. There can be no better way of promoting all inclusive growth and leaving a better society for the future than making the right to education campaign a reality. Taking a resolution that together we can and we will is all that is required to join the campaign.
Please Call:
Rajani Paranjpe - 9371007844
Mandar Shinde - 9822401246.
Sumangala Kumar (ECC Volunteer)
Friday, April 6, 2012
माझ्या प्रार्थना-पुस्तकातली भर
बांधकामाच्या साइट वरील 'एक-एक मूल मोलाचं' (एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स) च्या वर्गात आज मी जरा लवकरच पोहोचले. मुलं प्रार्थनेसाठी तयार होत होती. त्यांनी उत्साहानं आणि 'नमस्ते टीचर' असं म्हणून केलेल्या स्वागतामुळं मी प्रभावित झाले. माझा उत्साह द्विगुणित झाला. मी हसून हात जोडले आणि प्रार्थनेत सामील झाले.
लवकरच गोड आणि स्पष्ट आवाजात त्यांनी प्रार्थना म्हणायला सुरुवात केली.
मी स्वतःला चिमटा काढून बघितलं. मी खरंच अशी काहीतरी प्रार्थना ऐकली का? हे केवळ देवाकडं मागणं नव्हतं तर अनेक वचनांनी परिपूर्ण अशी ही विनंती होती.
प्रथम विद्यार्थीनी म्हणून आणि नंतर शिक्षिका म्हणून मी अनेक प्रकारच्या प्रार्थना पाठ केल्या आहेत. काही देवतांची भक्तिगीतं, काही संतांची भजनं, देशभक्तीपर गीतं, निसर्गाची स्तुती करणारी गीतं, अशी कितीतरी. परंतु सर्वशक्तिमान देवाकडं शाळेत जाण्याची संधी मागणारी ही प्रार्थना ह्यापूर्वी कधी म्हटल्याचं आठवत नाही.
मला आठवतंय, मी नेहमी देवाकडं शाळेपासून लांब राहण्यासाठीच विनंती करत असे. जसं की, पूर येऊन शाळा बंद पडू दे, काही संकट येऊ दे आणि शाळेला सुट्टी मिळू दे. पण देवाकडं कोणत्याही परिस्थितीत अति-उत्साहानं शाळेत जाण्याची संधी मागणारी प्रार्थना? छेः ही प्रार्थना नक्कीच माझ्या प्रार्थना-पुस्तकात नव्हती.
मी योग्य शाळेचा शोध घेतला होता का? नाही, माझ्या पालकांनी माझ्यासाठी ती गोष्ट केली, आणि मी नियमित हजर राहीन याची काळजी घेतली. शाळेला जाण्यामध्ये मला काही अडथळे, अडचणी आल्या का? मला अतिशय हास्यास्पद उत्तर मिळालं - गजर झाला की अंथरुणातून उठायचं, वेळेवर घरचा अभ्यास आणि प्रोजेक्ट पूर्ण करायचं, आणि हो, शाळेच्या बससाठी वेळेवर तयार व्हायचं. सर्व गोष्टी हाताशी असून देखील मी मनापासून माझ्या सर्व ताकदीनिशी अभ्यास केला का? नाही, खरंच नाही. मला नेहमी शेरा मिळत असे - 'चांगला प्रयत्न; परंतु अजून चांगले करु शकेल.'
सहजपणे मिळणार्या गोष्टींची आपल्याला किंमत का वाटत नाही? खूप कष्ट केल्यावर, घाम गाळल्यावर आणि उपासमार झाल्यावरच एखाद्या गोष्टीची किंमत कळते का? किंवा या ठिकाणी अशा एखाद्या शाळेच्या प्रार्थनेतून...
प्रार्थना संपली आणि मी शिक्षकांना ती प्रार्थना माझ्या वहीत लिहून देण्याची विनंती केली. मुलांच्या गोंगाटातही मी ती प्रार्थना परत परत वाचली. मुलांना माझ्याबरोबर अनेक विषयांवर गप्पा मारायच्या होत्या. मी त्यांच्या उत्सुक चेहर्यांकडं पाहून त्यांना दोन मिनिटं शांत राहण्याची विनंती केली आणि स्वतःसाठी एक प्रार्थना लिहिली.
मला नक्की माहिती आहे की अनेक जण माझ्या या प्रार्थनेत सहभागी होतील. आपली मुलं शाळेत शिकावीत असं आपणा सर्वांनाच वाटतं. आपण खरंच भाग्यवान आहोत, आपण कोणत्याही अडचणींशिवाय, अडथळ्यांशिवाय शाळेत जाऊ शकलो. पण जी मुलं अशी भाग्यवान नाहीत त्यांना आपण आता मदत करुया. 'एक-एक मूल मोलाचं' या उपक्रमात आपण सगळे सहभागी होऊया. सहा वर्षांची सर्व मुलं जून २०१२ मध्ये शाळेत जातील आणि पुण्यातल्या प्रत्येक मुलाला शिक्षणाचा अधिकार मिळेल, यासाठी आपण प्रयत्नशील राहूया.
प्रत्येक मूल मोलाचं आहे, त्याला शिक्षण घेण्याचा अधिकार आहे आणि त्यासाठीच्या समान संधी त्याला मिळाल्याच पाहिजेत.

मूळ लेख - अर्चना व्यवहारकर
मराठी अनुवाद - विद्या तेरदाळकर
लवकरच गोड आणि स्पष्ट आवाजात त्यांनी प्रार्थना म्हणायला सुरुवात केली.
"हे परमेश्वरा, मला चांगली बुद्धी दे.
मला शाळेत जाण्याची संधी दे.
मी कोठेही गेलो/गेले तरी शाळा शोधून काढीन.
मी नियमित शाळेत जाईन व जास्तीत जास्त शिकेन.
कितीही अडचणी आल्या, कितीही त्रास झाला तरी शाळा कधीही सोडणार नाही.
अशिक्षित, अडाणी राहणार नाही.”
मी स्वतःला चिमटा काढून बघितलं. मी खरंच अशी काहीतरी प्रार्थना ऐकली का? हे केवळ देवाकडं मागणं नव्हतं तर अनेक वचनांनी परिपूर्ण अशी ही विनंती होती.
प्रथम विद्यार्थीनी म्हणून आणि नंतर शिक्षिका म्हणून मी अनेक प्रकारच्या प्रार्थना पाठ केल्या आहेत. काही देवतांची भक्तिगीतं, काही संतांची भजनं, देशभक्तीपर गीतं, निसर्गाची स्तुती करणारी गीतं, अशी कितीतरी. परंतु सर्वशक्तिमान देवाकडं शाळेत जाण्याची संधी मागणारी ही प्रार्थना ह्यापूर्वी कधी म्हटल्याचं आठवत नाही.
मला आठवतंय, मी नेहमी देवाकडं शाळेपासून लांब राहण्यासाठीच विनंती करत असे. जसं की, पूर येऊन शाळा बंद पडू दे, काही संकट येऊ दे आणि शाळेला सुट्टी मिळू दे. पण देवाकडं कोणत्याही परिस्थितीत अति-उत्साहानं शाळेत जाण्याची संधी मागणारी प्रार्थना? छेः ही प्रार्थना नक्कीच माझ्या प्रार्थना-पुस्तकात नव्हती.
मी योग्य शाळेचा शोध घेतला होता का? नाही, माझ्या पालकांनी माझ्यासाठी ती गोष्ट केली, आणि मी नियमित हजर राहीन याची काळजी घेतली. शाळेला जाण्यामध्ये मला काही अडथळे, अडचणी आल्या का? मला अतिशय हास्यास्पद उत्तर मिळालं - गजर झाला की अंथरुणातून उठायचं, वेळेवर घरचा अभ्यास आणि प्रोजेक्ट पूर्ण करायचं, आणि हो, शाळेच्या बससाठी वेळेवर तयार व्हायचं. सर्व गोष्टी हाताशी असून देखील मी मनापासून माझ्या सर्व ताकदीनिशी अभ्यास केला का? नाही, खरंच नाही. मला नेहमी शेरा मिळत असे - 'चांगला प्रयत्न; परंतु अजून चांगले करु शकेल.'
सहजपणे मिळणार्या गोष्टींची आपल्याला किंमत का वाटत नाही? खूप कष्ट केल्यावर, घाम गाळल्यावर आणि उपासमार झाल्यावरच एखाद्या गोष्टीची किंमत कळते का? किंवा या ठिकाणी अशा एखाद्या शाळेच्या प्रार्थनेतून...
प्रार्थना संपली आणि मी शिक्षकांना ती प्रार्थना माझ्या वहीत लिहून देण्याची विनंती केली. मुलांच्या गोंगाटातही मी ती प्रार्थना परत परत वाचली. मुलांना माझ्याबरोबर अनेक विषयांवर गप्पा मारायच्या होत्या. मी त्यांच्या उत्सुक चेहर्यांकडं पाहून त्यांना दोन मिनिटं शांत राहण्याची विनंती केली आणि स्वतःसाठी एक प्रार्थना लिहिली.
“हे परमेश्वरा, मला चांगली बुद्धी दे.
मला मुलांना शाळेत घालण्याची संधी दे.
मी कोठेही गेलो/गेले असले तरी शाळेत जाण्यासाठी उत्सुक असलेली मुलं शोधून काढीन.
अशा मुलांना जवळच्या शाळेत प्रवेश मिळवून देईन, म्हणजे ती रोज शाळेत जाऊ शकतील. आणि ती खूप शिकतील याकडं लक्ष देईन.
कितीही अडचणी आल्या, कितीही त्रास झाला तरीही मुलं शाळा सोडणार नाहीत याकडं लक्ष देईन.
एकही मूल अडाणी, अशिक्षित राहणार नाही, याची खात्री करेन.”
मला नक्की माहिती आहे की अनेक जण माझ्या या प्रार्थनेत सहभागी होतील. आपली मुलं शाळेत शिकावीत असं आपणा सर्वांनाच वाटतं. आपण खरंच भाग्यवान आहोत, आपण कोणत्याही अडचणींशिवाय, अडथळ्यांशिवाय शाळेत जाऊ शकलो. पण जी मुलं अशी भाग्यवान नाहीत त्यांना आपण आता मदत करुया. 'एक-एक मूल मोलाचं' या उपक्रमात आपण सगळे सहभागी होऊया. सहा वर्षांची सर्व मुलं जून २०१२ मध्ये शाळेत जातील आणि पुण्यातल्या प्रत्येक मुलाला शिक्षणाचा अधिकार मिळेल, यासाठी आपण प्रयत्नशील राहूया.
प्रत्येक मूल मोलाचं आहे, त्याला शिक्षण घेण्याचा अधिकार आहे आणि त्यासाठीच्या समान संधी त्याला मिळाल्याच पाहिजेत.

मूळ लेख - अर्चना व्यवहारकर
मराठी अनुवाद - विद्या तेरदाळकर
Monday, April 2, 2012
Art For A Cause
Art for a cause...

Shweta, Ishan & Renuka bring to you a painting group show to support a social cause - Every Child Counts!

Shweta, Ishan & Renuka bring to you a painting group show to support a social cause - Every Child Counts!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
ECC news in Sakaal Times
'Every Child Counts' campaign news published in Sakaal Times
(March 29, 2012 - Page No.5)

"Under the ECC campaign, any individual can join and further the cause of education by identifying children, who are not attending school, and by ensuring their admission in nearby government schools."
(March 29, 2012 - Page No.5)

"Under the ECC campaign, any individual can join and further the cause of education by identifying children, who are not attending school, and by ensuring their admission in nearby government schools."
Friday, March 23, 2012
An Oasis Of Happiness
It was in the heat of the afternoon on a Friday in March, when I reached a construction site in Pune. I had to walk right through the middle of a very big building lot. I could hardly see any safety device. The first thought that came to my mind was that this area is anything but a place for children.
Finally on one corner between lots of dust, boards, metal tubes and driven tools, I saw a group of around 20 children. It was the ECC (Every Child Counts) camp I had come to visit. The group consisted of very small children (about 2 or 3 years old), one baby and some children of age between 5 and 7. There were two teachers sitting on a pile of boards, between them a baby was sleeping. In front of them the class was sitting on the ground.
When I watched the situation from a distance, it kind of looked like an oasis of happiness in the middle of a desert of sorrow.
As I grew up in Germany, it is hard for me to understand the struggle of life being a member of a family of migrant labors. Facing the very poor conditions and the bad situation of their camps (no toilet, full of dirt, pigs in the mud and very small rooms), I was looking for every single smile or happy moment. And I found it in the classes.
All the children started to scream “Namaste” and laughed out loud when they saw me. I took out my camera and some kids started to pose in front of it. One boy had found a small package of toothpaste and greased it all over his face. He seemed to be proud of having found something healthy for the skin because it smelled so good. He did not know it was toothpaste, because he does not know what toothpaste is. Everybody was laughing and I shared a happy moment due to a sad cause.
The teachers taught them a song with a dance when I joined them. After a few minutes of excitement they went on with the dance. The bigger children built a circle around the younger ones. They were singing and dancing around them. It was a kind of game and caused many laughs and shining eyes.
What would these children do the whole day when there was no opportunity like this? What would they be able to look forward to when thinking about the future? Every single child has the right to receive a proper education. Everybody knows that children represent our future. And isn’t the future something very precious? The only reason we do things the way we do is because we have a view to our future. And every human being wants to design its future as well as possible. Children need help on their way of education. They are dependent on the decisions of others until they are old enough to live on their own. It should be self evident to give as much support to our children as possible, thinking about this point of view. The only way to make the best out of our future is to give the best opportunities on education to our children.
I came out of the construction site with a smile on my face. It made me really happy to see that someone takes care of these children who seem to be so innocent and disadvantaged. At the same time, this question rose in my mind - so many other constructions are going on around…what happens to such children there?

Felix Korts (ECC Volunteer from Germany)
Finally on one corner between lots of dust, boards, metal tubes and driven tools, I saw a group of around 20 children. It was the ECC (Every Child Counts) camp I had come to visit. The group consisted of very small children (about 2 or 3 years old), one baby and some children of age between 5 and 7. There were two teachers sitting on a pile of boards, between them a baby was sleeping. In front of them the class was sitting on the ground.
When I watched the situation from a distance, it kind of looked like an oasis of happiness in the middle of a desert of sorrow.
As I grew up in Germany, it is hard for me to understand the struggle of life being a member of a family of migrant labors. Facing the very poor conditions and the bad situation of their camps (no toilet, full of dirt, pigs in the mud and very small rooms), I was looking for every single smile or happy moment. And I found it in the classes.
All the children started to scream “Namaste” and laughed out loud when they saw me. I took out my camera and some kids started to pose in front of it. One boy had found a small package of toothpaste and greased it all over his face. He seemed to be proud of having found something healthy for the skin because it smelled so good. He did not know it was toothpaste, because he does not know what toothpaste is. Everybody was laughing and I shared a happy moment due to a sad cause.
The teachers taught them a song with a dance when I joined them. After a few minutes of excitement they went on with the dance. The bigger children built a circle around the younger ones. They were singing and dancing around them. It was a kind of game and caused many laughs and shining eyes.
What would these children do the whole day when there was no opportunity like this? What would they be able to look forward to when thinking about the future? Every single child has the right to receive a proper education. Everybody knows that children represent our future. And isn’t the future something very precious? The only reason we do things the way we do is because we have a view to our future. And every human being wants to design its future as well as possible. Children need help on their way of education. They are dependent on the decisions of others until they are old enough to live on their own. It should be self evident to give as much support to our children as possible, thinking about this point of view. The only way to make the best out of our future is to give the best opportunities on education to our children.
I came out of the construction site with a smile on my face. It made me really happy to see that someone takes care of these children who seem to be so innocent and disadvantaged. At the same time, this question rose in my mind - so many other constructions are going on around…what happens to such children there?
Felix Korts (ECC Volunteer from Germany)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Volunteer Tasks at ECC Camps
ECC conducts school-preparation camps at some construction sites, where 6-year-old children are found. You can help in following activities at the camp in your neighbourhood.
Tasks for volunteers at ECC camps:
1. Taking photos of children for ID cards.
2. Collecting child details in ECC format.
3. Taking photos of the camp.
4. Preparing documents for school admissions.
5. Addressing language issues, if any.
6. Creating videos of the camp - getting views from parents, builders, volunteers.
7. Finding innovative solutions to transport issues.
8. Preparing volunteer guidelines document for future use.
इसीसी कॅम्पवरील कामेः
१. ओळखपत्रासाठी मुलांचे फोटो काढणे.
२. इसीसीच्या फॉरमॅटमध्ये मुलांची माहिती गोळा करणे.
३. कॅम्पचे फोटो काढणे.
४. शाळा-प्रवेशासाठी कागदपत्रांची पूर्तता करणे.
५. भाषेची अडचण असेल तिथे त्या भाषेत मदत करणे.
६. कॅम्पचा व्हिडीओ बनवणे - पालक, बिल्डर, स्वयंसेवक यांची मते नोंदवणे.
७. मुलांच्या वाहतूक समस्येवर काहीतरी उपाय शोधून काढणे.
८. इतर स्वयंसेवकांच्या सोयीसाठी 'स्वयंसेवक मार्गदर्शिका' तयार करणे.
Tasks for volunteers at ECC camps:
1. Taking photos of children for ID cards.
2. Collecting child details in ECC format.
3. Taking photos of the camp.
4. Preparing documents for school admissions.
5. Addressing language issues, if any.
6. Creating videos of the camp - getting views from parents, builders, volunteers.
7. Finding innovative solutions to transport issues.
8. Preparing volunteer guidelines document for future use.
इसीसी कॅम्पवरील कामेः
१. ओळखपत्रासाठी मुलांचे फोटो काढणे.
२. इसीसीच्या फॉरमॅटमध्ये मुलांची माहिती गोळा करणे.
३. कॅम्पचे फोटो काढणे.
४. शाळा-प्रवेशासाठी कागदपत्रांची पूर्तता करणे.
५. भाषेची अडचण असेल तिथे त्या भाषेत मदत करणे.
६. कॅम्पचा व्हिडीओ बनवणे - पालक, बिल्डर, स्वयंसेवक यांची मते नोंदवणे.
७. मुलांच्या वाहतूक समस्येवर काहीतरी उपाय शोधून काढणे.
८. इतर स्वयंसेवकांच्या सोयीसाठी 'स्वयंसेवक मार्गदर्शिका' तयार करणे.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Every Child Is Precious
Large sections of children belonging to migrant and casual workers are deprived of education. Such children are always on the move – and in the midst of this mess they often miss out on school. A Pune based activists group named “Every Child Counts” (Every Child is Precious)has been started,to enrol such children into the main stream of education. With this goal in mind the group has set the target of enrolling every six year old child into the school system.
The State of India has granted every child the inalienable right to education. Hence no child can be denied entry into government run schools, based on any financial, social or technical criteria. Under the recently enacted ‘Right to Education’ act the administration has decided to focus only on formal education leaving non-formal education outside its scope. However apart from financial problems, the problems faced by the parents of children participating in non-formal education are many.The government has not proposed any solution to solve their problems,neither has the government provided adequate infrastructure to enrol such students in schools.
In the city of Pune the number of boys and girls who cannot attend school on account of various reasons is staggering. The children of migrant workers, construction workers living in construction site camps, vendors selling on the street corners, workers working in brick kilns, are kept out of the formal schooling system because they need to move base when their parents move.
Obvious to the fact of rising children’s age and the damage caused by lack of education, several organisations and individuals from the city of Pune have decided to take the lead in tackling the problem. An activists group named “Every Child Counts” (Every Child is Precious) has been started. Within this initiative, collecting data about such children has already begun.Indeed every child is precious, every child has the right to education; this initiative has been started with these stated goals.
Coming this June, the initiative will not stop at merely enrolling children in government school, but will take stock of children’s attendance, determine and asses the deterrents and problems and make relevant suggestions and solutions to the administration, which also happens to be one of the goals of this initiative.
The structure of this initiative is set up as a citizen’s campaign; where in every citizen as a part of this campaign will find such children in his or her neighbourhood and help them get admitted to schools. The involved activists are collating all relevant technical details, administrative procedures required for school admissions, and the experiences gathered so far, so that it reaches as many citizens as possible. Complete information regarding this campaign is available at http://everychildcounts-pune.blogspot.com.
- Satish Joglekar
The State of India has granted every child the inalienable right to education. Hence no child can be denied entry into government run schools, based on any financial, social or technical criteria. Under the recently enacted ‘Right to Education’ act the administration has decided to focus only on formal education leaving non-formal education outside its scope. However apart from financial problems, the problems faced by the parents of children participating in non-formal education are many.The government has not proposed any solution to solve their problems,neither has the government provided adequate infrastructure to enrol such students in schools.
In the city of Pune the number of boys and girls who cannot attend school on account of various reasons is staggering. The children of migrant workers, construction workers living in construction site camps, vendors selling on the street corners, workers working in brick kilns, are kept out of the formal schooling system because they need to move base when their parents move.
Obvious to the fact of rising children’s age and the damage caused by lack of education, several organisations and individuals from the city of Pune have decided to take the lead in tackling the problem. An activists group named “Every Child Counts” (Every Child is Precious) has been started. Within this initiative, collecting data about such children has already begun.Indeed every child is precious, every child has the right to education; this initiative has been started with these stated goals.
Coming this June, the initiative will not stop at merely enrolling children in government school, but will take stock of children’s attendance, determine and asses the deterrents and problems and make relevant suggestions and solutions to the administration, which also happens to be one of the goals of this initiative.
The structure of this initiative is set up as a citizen’s campaign; where in every citizen as a part of this campaign will find such children in his or her neighbourhood and help them get admitted to schools. The involved activists are collating all relevant technical details, administrative procedures required for school admissions, and the experiences gathered so far, so that it reaches as many citizens as possible. Complete information regarding this campaign is available at http://everychildcounts-pune.blogspot.com.
- Satish Joglekar
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
ECC Article in Maharashtra Times
Article about 'Every Child Counts' campaign published in Maharashtra Times
(March 7, 2012 - Page No.8)

Click on image to read the article.
(March 7, 2012 - Page No.8)

Click on image to read the article.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Additions To My Prayer-book
Today I reached early for an ‘Every Child Counts’ class at a construction site. The children were getting ready for the prayer. Their enthusiastic welcome and ‘namaste teacher’ infused me as usual with their infectious energy. I smiled and folded my hands and joined them.
Soon, their sweet clear voices recited the prayer:
“Dear God, Grant me the good sense to know right from wrong (hey parmeshwara, mala changli budhi de)
Give me an opportunity to go to school (Mala shalela jayachi sandhi de)
No matter where I go, I promise I will find a school (Me kuthehi gelo/gele tari me shala shodhoon kadhin)
I will attend school regularly and learn all that I can (Shalet jaoon khoop shiken)
No matter what difficulties and obstacles come my way, I will never stop going to school (Kitihi adchani alya, kitihi traas jhala tarihi shala kadhi sodnaar nahi)
I promise not to remain an uneducated and illiterate being.”(Ashikshit adanni rahannar nahi)
I pinch myself…Did I really hear this prayer? Not only a simple request straight from the heart but also a prayer full of promises.
First as a student and then as a teacher, I have recited innumerable school prayers in honor of various deities; sung hymns glorifying different saints, patriotic songs, and those in praise of nature. I think hard and try to remember if I have ever said a prayer for an opportunity to go to school….. No, I don’t think so. I remember praying to stay away from school…that our school closes down due to floods or some other calamity and we get a long holiday in the middle of the term. But a prayer, ardently asking the Almighty to grant me an opportunity to go to school, no matter what the circumstances? No, that prayer is definitely missing from my prayer book.
Did I ever have to look for a suitable school? No, my parents did that for me and ensured my school attendance was up to the mark.
Did I have to overcome difficulties and obstacles to attend school? I come up with a list of most ridiculous answers…. getting out of bed when the alarm rang; completing homework and projects on time, and yes, being on time for the school bus! And in spite of everything being readily handed to me for my school bag, did I work to the best of my ability and learn all that I could? I truly can’t say I did. The usual remark I got was “Good attempt, can do better.”
Why is it that we do not value things that come easily to us? True value is often revealed only after we struggle, sweat and strive. Or, as in this case, by a simple school prayer.
The prayer is over and I request the teacher to write it in my book. I read through it again with the clamor of children all around me. They want to share with me a hundred different things. I look at their eager faces and ask for two minutes and write down another prayer for myself:
“Dear God, Grant me the good sense to know right from wrong (hey parmeshwara, mala changli budhi de)
Give me an opportunity to help children go to school (Mala mulanna shalet ghalayachi sandhi de)
No matter where I go, I promise I will find out-of-school children ready for school (Me kuthehi gelo/gele tari me shalela tayar asleli muley shodhoon kadhin)
I will help them get admission to a nearby school so that they may attend school regularly and learn all that they can (Shalet pravesh milvun roj jannyas madat Karin va ti khoop shiktil ashi soy karin)
No matter what difficulties and obstacles come their way, I will counsel their parents and do what is required to enable them to go to school (Kitihi adchani alya, kitihi traas jhala tarihi shala kadhi sodnaar nahi hyachi khatri karin)
I promise not to let any child remain an uneducated and illiterate being.” (Ek hi mool ashikshit adani rahannar nahi yachi khaatri karin)
I am sure there are many others who will join me in this prayer because we all want to see our children in school. We were lucky to attend school without being aware of the obstacles involved. Let us now help those who are not so blessed. Let us join hands through the ECC Citizens’ Campaign and ensure that all six year olds are in school in June 2012 and work towards educating each and every child in Pune.
For we all know, every child counts, has a right to education and deserves every opportunity to attain it.
Archana Vyavaharkar
Soon, their sweet clear voices recited the prayer:
“Dear God, Grant me the good sense to know right from wrong (hey parmeshwara, mala changli budhi de)
Give me an opportunity to go to school (Mala shalela jayachi sandhi de)
No matter where I go, I promise I will find a school (Me kuthehi gelo/gele tari me shala shodhoon kadhin)
I will attend school regularly and learn all that I can (Shalet jaoon khoop shiken)
No matter what difficulties and obstacles come my way, I will never stop going to school (Kitihi adchani alya, kitihi traas jhala tarihi shala kadhi sodnaar nahi)
I promise not to remain an uneducated and illiterate being.”(Ashikshit adanni rahannar nahi)
I pinch myself…Did I really hear this prayer? Not only a simple request straight from the heart but also a prayer full of promises.
First as a student and then as a teacher, I have recited innumerable school prayers in honor of various deities; sung hymns glorifying different saints, patriotic songs, and those in praise of nature. I think hard and try to remember if I have ever said a prayer for an opportunity to go to school….. No, I don’t think so. I remember praying to stay away from school…that our school closes down due to floods or some other calamity and we get a long holiday in the middle of the term. But a prayer, ardently asking the Almighty to grant me an opportunity to go to school, no matter what the circumstances? No, that prayer is definitely missing from my prayer book.
Did I ever have to look for a suitable school? No, my parents did that for me and ensured my school attendance was up to the mark.
Did I have to overcome difficulties and obstacles to attend school? I come up with a list of most ridiculous answers…. getting out of bed when the alarm rang; completing homework and projects on time, and yes, being on time for the school bus! And in spite of everything being readily handed to me for my school bag, did I work to the best of my ability and learn all that I could? I truly can’t say I did. The usual remark I got was “Good attempt, can do better.”
Why is it that we do not value things that come easily to us? True value is often revealed only after we struggle, sweat and strive. Or, as in this case, by a simple school prayer.
The prayer is over and I request the teacher to write it in my book. I read through it again with the clamor of children all around me. They want to share with me a hundred different things. I look at their eager faces and ask for two minutes and write down another prayer for myself:
“Dear God, Grant me the good sense to know right from wrong (hey parmeshwara, mala changli budhi de)
Give me an opportunity to help children go to school (Mala mulanna shalet ghalayachi sandhi de)
No matter where I go, I promise I will find out-of-school children ready for school (Me kuthehi gelo/gele tari me shalela tayar asleli muley shodhoon kadhin)
I will help them get admission to a nearby school so that they may attend school regularly and learn all that they can (Shalet pravesh milvun roj jannyas madat Karin va ti khoop shiktil ashi soy karin)
No matter what difficulties and obstacles come their way, I will counsel their parents and do what is required to enable them to go to school (Kitihi adchani alya, kitihi traas jhala tarihi shala kadhi sodnaar nahi hyachi khatri karin)
I promise not to let any child remain an uneducated and illiterate being.” (Ek hi mool ashikshit adani rahannar nahi yachi khaatri karin)
I am sure there are many others who will join me in this prayer because we all want to see our children in school. We were lucky to attend school without being aware of the obstacles involved. Let us now help those who are not so blessed. Let us join hands through the ECC Citizens’ Campaign and ensure that all six year olds are in school in June 2012 and work towards educating each and every child in Pune.
For we all know, every child counts, has a right to education and deserves every opportunity to attain it.
Archana Vyavaharkar
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Constructing Minds - Article in Indian Express
ECC volunteer Archana Vyavaharkar shares her experience on a construction site...
Constructing Minds
I work with the Every Child Counts (ECC) campaign, which aims at enrolling all six-year-old children in corporation schools by June 2012. Whenever I visit a construction site where ECC is yet to start a class, reality continues to shock me. In spite of being aware of the statistical data of out-of-school children, when you come face-to-face with these unseen, unaccounted children, how can you remain unaffected?
Read complete article at -
(The Indian Express - Pune Newsline Page No.2 - February 23rd, 2012)
Constructing Minds
I work with the Every Child Counts (ECC) campaign, which aims at enrolling all six-year-old children in corporation schools by June 2012. Whenever I visit a construction site where ECC is yet to start a class, reality continues to shock me. In spite of being aware of the statistical data of out-of-school children, when you come face-to-face with these unseen, unaccounted children, how can you remain unaffected?
Read complete article at -
(The Indian Express - Pune Newsline Page No.2 - February 23rd, 2012)
Monday, February 13, 2012
चला, एकत्र येऊन करुन दाखवूया...
शिक्षण हा आपल्या सारख्या प्रगतीशील राष्ट्राचा पायाभूत घटक आहे. केवळ कायदेशीर तरतुदीतून हे काम साध्य होणार नाही. अथक प्रयत्नातूनच आपण हे ध्येय साध्य करू शकतो. ह्यासाठी गरज आहे आपल्या क्रियाशील सहभागाची. प्रत्येक नागरिकाला माहित आहे की प्रत्येक मुलाला (वय ६ ते १४) मोफत शिक्षण घेण्याचा हक्क कायद्याने दिला आहे. हा हेतू आपण साध्य करणार आहोत यात शंका नाही. फक्त तो अमलात आपल्याला आणायचा आहे.
आपल्या समाजातील काही घटक शिक्षणाच्या मुलभूत हक्कापासून वंचित आहेत. हे त्या घटकांचे कमनशीब आणि आपला पराभव आहे. जर समाजातील विशिष्ट वर्ग प्रगतीपासून दूर असेल तर सर्वांगीण प्रगतीचे स्वप्न अशक्य आहे. स्वातंत्र्य मिळून ५० वर्षे झाल्यानंतर सुद्धा शिक्षणासकट सर्व मुलभूत गरजांसाठी समाजाला लढा द्यावा लागत असेल तर हे आपले दुर्देव आहे. आपणच जागरूक झालो नाही तर सरकारला दोष देण्यात काय अर्थ?
अशा एका मागास समाजाचे आपण जबाबदार नागरिक आहोत. आपण जबाबदारी घेऊया त्यांना शिक्षणास मदत करण्याची. त्यांना आपण शिकवायची गरज नाही. गरज आहे ती पुण्यातील अनेक सरकारमान्य शाळात त्यांना प्रवेश मिळवून द्यायची. काही कारणांनी शाळेतील वर्ग ओस पडले आहेत तर दुसरीकडे रस्त्यावर शिक्षणाला मुकलेली मुले फिरत आहेत. ही पोकळी भरून काढण्यासाठी प्रत्येक मुलाला शाळेत दाखल करण्याचा निश्चय करुया. मुलांच्या शिक्षणात रस असणारे आपण सर्व एकत्र येऊन चर्चा करू आणि हा प्रयोग यशस्वी करू. शिक्षण क्षेत्रातील अनुभवी, तज्ञ, उत्साही, तरुण, आणि बदल घडवून आणण्याची इच्छा असणारे नागरिक ह्यांच्या मदतीने हा प्रयोग यशस्वी करण्यासाठी 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' अर्थात् 'एक एक मूल मोलाचे' नागरिक अभियान आखण्यात आले आहे, ज्याचा प्राथमिक आराखडा आता तयार आहे. गरज आहे ती फक्त हजारो हातांची.
आमचा विश्वास आहे की एक एक मूल मोलाचे आहे. ह्या विचारांचा प्रसार प्रत्येक नागरिकापर्यंत करण्याचा आमचा प्रयत्न आहे. हे एक नागरिक अभियान आहे. जे पालक मुलांना शिक्षण देवू शकत नाहीत, त्यांनाच बेजबाबदार म्हणता येणार नाही. आपले सरकार मोफत व हक्काचे शिक्षण देण्यात अयशस्वी झाले तरी फक्त तेच कारणीभूत ठरवता येणार नाही. आपण शिक्षित नागरिक, ज्यांना शिक्षणाचा फायदा झाला, पण प्रत्येक मुलापर्यंत तो पोहोचवला नाही, असे आपणही जबाबदार आहोत. तर आपण प्रत्येक मुलाला शिक्षण मिळवून द्यायची जबाबदारी घेऊया.
पुण्यातल्या ६-७ वर्षांच्या प्रत्येक मुलाला जवळच्या शाळेत दाखल करण्याचे ध्येय ठरवले आहे. अजून जून २०१२ म्हणजे ६ महिन्यांचा अवधी आहे. कामाचा आवाका खूप मोठा आहे, पण आम्हाला खात्री आहे की सर्व नागरिकांच्या सहकार्याने हे ध्येय आपण पूर्णत्वास नेऊ. प्रत्येक नागरिकाला ह्या चळवळीत अनेक तर्हेने मदत करता येईल. ह्या कामासाठी तांत्रिक, सरकारी, आर्थिक, प्रसार-माध्यमे आणि अनेक गोष्टींची मदत लागणार आहे.
आपण ही चळवळ निश्चित यशस्वी करू आणि पुढच्या पिढीचा विकास घडवून आणू.
'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' अभियानात सहभागी होण्यासाठी,
लिहा everychildcounts.pune@gmail.com वर किंवा
संपर्क करा रजनी परांजपे यांच्याशी 9371007844 वर किंवा
मंदार शिंदे यांच्याशी 9822401246 वर.
अधिक माहितीसाठी,
पहा http://everychildcounts-pune.blogspot.com किंवा
सामील व्हा http://on.fb.me/eccpune वर किंवा
फॉलो करा http://twitter.com/eccpune ला.
चला, एकत्र येऊन करुन दाखवूया...
आपल्या समाजातील काही घटक शिक्षणाच्या मुलभूत हक्कापासून वंचित आहेत. हे त्या घटकांचे कमनशीब आणि आपला पराभव आहे. जर समाजातील विशिष्ट वर्ग प्रगतीपासून दूर असेल तर सर्वांगीण प्रगतीचे स्वप्न अशक्य आहे. स्वातंत्र्य मिळून ५० वर्षे झाल्यानंतर सुद्धा शिक्षणासकट सर्व मुलभूत गरजांसाठी समाजाला लढा द्यावा लागत असेल तर हे आपले दुर्देव आहे. आपणच जागरूक झालो नाही तर सरकारला दोष देण्यात काय अर्थ?
अशा एका मागास समाजाचे आपण जबाबदार नागरिक आहोत. आपण जबाबदारी घेऊया त्यांना शिक्षणास मदत करण्याची. त्यांना आपण शिकवायची गरज नाही. गरज आहे ती पुण्यातील अनेक सरकारमान्य शाळात त्यांना प्रवेश मिळवून द्यायची. काही कारणांनी शाळेतील वर्ग ओस पडले आहेत तर दुसरीकडे रस्त्यावर शिक्षणाला मुकलेली मुले फिरत आहेत. ही पोकळी भरून काढण्यासाठी प्रत्येक मुलाला शाळेत दाखल करण्याचा निश्चय करुया. मुलांच्या शिक्षणात रस असणारे आपण सर्व एकत्र येऊन चर्चा करू आणि हा प्रयोग यशस्वी करू. शिक्षण क्षेत्रातील अनुभवी, तज्ञ, उत्साही, तरुण, आणि बदल घडवून आणण्याची इच्छा असणारे नागरिक ह्यांच्या मदतीने हा प्रयोग यशस्वी करण्यासाठी 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' अर्थात् 'एक एक मूल मोलाचे' नागरिक अभियान आखण्यात आले आहे, ज्याचा प्राथमिक आराखडा आता तयार आहे. गरज आहे ती फक्त हजारो हातांची.
आमचा विश्वास आहे की एक एक मूल मोलाचे आहे. ह्या विचारांचा प्रसार प्रत्येक नागरिकापर्यंत करण्याचा आमचा प्रयत्न आहे. हे एक नागरिक अभियान आहे. जे पालक मुलांना शिक्षण देवू शकत नाहीत, त्यांनाच बेजबाबदार म्हणता येणार नाही. आपले सरकार मोफत व हक्काचे शिक्षण देण्यात अयशस्वी झाले तरी फक्त तेच कारणीभूत ठरवता येणार नाही. आपण शिक्षित नागरिक, ज्यांना शिक्षणाचा फायदा झाला, पण प्रत्येक मुलापर्यंत तो पोहोचवला नाही, असे आपणही जबाबदार आहोत. तर आपण प्रत्येक मुलाला शिक्षण मिळवून द्यायची जबाबदारी घेऊया.
पुण्यातल्या ६-७ वर्षांच्या प्रत्येक मुलाला जवळच्या शाळेत दाखल करण्याचे ध्येय ठरवले आहे. अजून जून २०१२ म्हणजे ६ महिन्यांचा अवधी आहे. कामाचा आवाका खूप मोठा आहे, पण आम्हाला खात्री आहे की सर्व नागरिकांच्या सहकार्याने हे ध्येय आपण पूर्णत्वास नेऊ. प्रत्येक नागरिकाला ह्या चळवळीत अनेक तर्हेने मदत करता येईल. ह्या कामासाठी तांत्रिक, सरकारी, आर्थिक, प्रसार-माध्यमे आणि अनेक गोष्टींची मदत लागणार आहे.
आपण ही चळवळ निश्चित यशस्वी करू आणि पुढच्या पिढीचा विकास घडवून आणू.
'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' अभियानात सहभागी होण्यासाठी,
लिहा everychildcounts.pune@gmail.com वर किंवा
संपर्क करा रजनी परांजपे यांच्याशी 9371007844 वर किंवा
मंदार शिंदे यांच्याशी 9822401246 वर.
अधिक माहितीसाठी,
पहा http://everychildcounts-pune.blogspot.com किंवा
सामील व्हा http://on.fb.me/eccpune वर किंवा
फॉलो करा http://twitter.com/eccpune ला.
चला, एकत्र येऊन करुन दाखवूया...
परप्रांतीय मुलांचा भाषेचा प्रश्न हाताळताना...
'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' अर्थात् 'एक एक मूल मोलाचे' ही मोहीम राबवताना मुख्यत्वे करून भाषेचा प्रश्न मोठा असेल. पुण्यातील मजूर हे जास्ती करून परराज्यातील आहेत पण महापालिकेच्या शाळा मराठी माध्यमाच्या आहेत. ह्या मुलांना मराठी शाळेत दाखल करून घेताना पालकांकडून काही प्रश्न विचारले जातील.
- शिक्षकांची मराठी भाषा मुलांना समजणार का?
- आम्ही जर काम संपल्यावर आमच्या गावी जाणार तर मराठी शिकण्याचा आग्रह का?
- जर आम्ही कर्नाटक, राजस्थान, बिहार, आंध्र अशा आमच्या राज्यात परत जाणार तर मराठी शिकणे हा वेळेचा अपव्यय नाही का?
- जर आमची मातृभाषा तेलगु, तमिळ, कन्नड, बंगाली, हिंदी आहे तर आमच्या मुलांनी मराठी कशासाठी शिकायचे?
तर आपण हे प्रश्न कसे सोडवायचे?
कोणत्याही लहान मुलाला नवीन भाषा शिकणे अवघड नसते. मोठ्यांपेक्षा लहान मुले नवीन भाषा पटकन शिकतात. पालकांना असे वाटते की मराठी माध्यम हे मुलांच्या शिक्षणातील अडथळा ठरू शकेल. खालील काही उदाहरणे/कारणे सांगून तुम्ही त्यांना पटवून देऊ शकता.
१. शाळेत जाणारे मूल हे ‘कसं शिकायचं’ हे सहज शिकू शकते. मग मातृभाषा कोणतीही असो. जरी मूल गावी गेले तरी नवीन शाळेत मातृभाषेतून शिक्षण सहज आत्मसात करू शकते.
२. जर सर्व कुटुंब ४/५ वर्षे इथे राहिले तर मराठी भाषेचा वापर दैनंदिन व्यवहारांसाठी करू शकतात. स्थानिक भाषा येत असल्यामुळे मुलाचा व सर्व कुटुंबाचा येथील रहिवास सुखकारक होईल.
३. मराठी आणि हिंदीची लिपी एकच म्हणजे देवनागरी. त्यामुळे मुलांना मराठी व हिंदी वाचन व लेखन सुलभ होईल. हिंदी ही संपूर्ण भारतात वापरली जाणारी भाषा असल्यामुळे मराठी भाषा शिकणे कधीच वाया जाणार नाही.
शाळेत प्रवेश घेणाऱ्या मुलांच्या पालकांशी संवाद साधताना सर्व स्वयंसेवकांना वरील माहितीची मदत होईल.
- शिक्षकांची मराठी भाषा मुलांना समजणार का?
- आम्ही जर काम संपल्यावर आमच्या गावी जाणार तर मराठी शिकण्याचा आग्रह का?
- जर आम्ही कर्नाटक, राजस्थान, बिहार, आंध्र अशा आमच्या राज्यात परत जाणार तर मराठी शिकणे हा वेळेचा अपव्यय नाही का?
- जर आमची मातृभाषा तेलगु, तमिळ, कन्नड, बंगाली, हिंदी आहे तर आमच्या मुलांनी मराठी कशासाठी शिकायचे?
तर आपण हे प्रश्न कसे सोडवायचे?
कोणत्याही लहान मुलाला नवीन भाषा शिकणे अवघड नसते. मोठ्यांपेक्षा लहान मुले नवीन भाषा पटकन शिकतात. पालकांना असे वाटते की मराठी माध्यम हे मुलांच्या शिक्षणातील अडथळा ठरू शकेल. खालील काही उदाहरणे/कारणे सांगून तुम्ही त्यांना पटवून देऊ शकता.
१. शाळेत जाणारे मूल हे ‘कसं शिकायचं’ हे सहज शिकू शकते. मग मातृभाषा कोणतीही असो. जरी मूल गावी गेले तरी नवीन शाळेत मातृभाषेतून शिक्षण सहज आत्मसात करू शकते.
२. जर सर्व कुटुंब ४/५ वर्षे इथे राहिले तर मराठी भाषेचा वापर दैनंदिन व्यवहारांसाठी करू शकतात. स्थानिक भाषा येत असल्यामुळे मुलाचा व सर्व कुटुंबाचा येथील रहिवास सुखकारक होईल.
३. मराठी आणि हिंदीची लिपी एकच म्हणजे देवनागरी. त्यामुळे मुलांना मराठी व हिंदी वाचन व लेखन सुलभ होईल. हिंदी ही संपूर्ण भारतात वापरली जाणारी भाषा असल्यामुळे मराठी भाषा शिकणे कधीच वाया जाणार नाही.
शाळेत प्रवेश घेणाऱ्या मुलांच्या पालकांशी संवाद साधताना सर्व स्वयंसेवकांना वरील माहितीची मदत होईल.
शिक्षणापासून वंचित मुलांना शिक्षण कसे मिळणार?
वेळ नाही आई वडिलांना
त्यांना शाळेत कोण नेणार...?
हे सतत स्थलांतरीत असतात
यांना शाळेत कोण घेणार...?
यांना मराठी येत नाही
मग यांना कोण शिकविणार...?
त्यांना वाटते आमच्या भाषेत शिकवावे
त्यांच्या भाषेचे शिक्षक कोठे मिळणार...?
हे रोज शाळेला येत नाहीत
यांची जबाबदारी कोण घेणार...?
जरी शाळेत आले तरी
त्यांच्याशी कोण बोलणार...?
यांना वयाप्रमाणे दाखल करायचे आहे
तर यांना पहिल्यापासून कोण शिकविणार...?
किंवा त्यांच्यासाठी कोण वेळ काढणार...?
शासन म्हणते सर्व मुले शाळेत आली पाहिजेत
तर मुलांपर्यंत कोण पोहचणार...?
जरी कोणी पोहचले तरी
ही मुले दूरवरून, मोठे रस्ते क्रॉस करून
शाळेत कशी येणार...?
जर त्यांचे बरोबर कोणी नसेल
तर गरीबांची मुले घरापर्यंत
सुरक्षित कशी परतणार...?
एवढ्या सगळ्या अडचणी आहेत
तर वंचितापर्यंत शिक्षण कसे पोहचणार...?
यासाठी काही मंडळी प्रयत्न करीत आहेत
त्यांना आर्थिक आधार कोण देणार...?
शासन अनेक गोष्टींवर अर्थ काढते
मग समाज सेवकांच्या अर्थाचा अर्थ कोण काढणार...?
तर वंचितापर्यंत शिक्षण कसे पोहचणार...?
मग सांगा साहेब, सर, मास्तर,
आपला भारत महासत्ता कसा होणार...?
- हरिश्चंद्र फडके
त्यांना शाळेत कोण नेणार...?
हे सतत स्थलांतरीत असतात
यांना शाळेत कोण घेणार...?
यांना मराठी येत नाही
मग यांना कोण शिकविणार...?
त्यांना वाटते आमच्या भाषेत शिकवावे
त्यांच्या भाषेचे शिक्षक कोठे मिळणार...?
हे रोज शाळेला येत नाहीत
यांची जबाबदारी कोण घेणार...?
जरी शाळेत आले तरी
त्यांच्याशी कोण बोलणार...?
यांना वयाप्रमाणे दाखल करायचे आहे
तर यांना पहिल्यापासून कोण शिकविणार...?
किंवा त्यांच्यासाठी कोण वेळ काढणार...?
शासन म्हणते सर्व मुले शाळेत आली पाहिजेत
तर मुलांपर्यंत कोण पोहचणार...?
जरी कोणी पोहचले तरी
ही मुले दूरवरून, मोठे रस्ते क्रॉस करून
शाळेत कशी येणार...?
जर त्यांचे बरोबर कोणी नसेल
तर गरीबांची मुले घरापर्यंत
सुरक्षित कशी परतणार...?
एवढ्या सगळ्या अडचणी आहेत
तर वंचितापर्यंत शिक्षण कसे पोहचणार...?
यासाठी काही मंडळी प्रयत्न करीत आहेत
त्यांना आर्थिक आधार कोण देणार...?
शासन अनेक गोष्टींवर अर्थ काढते
मग समाज सेवकांच्या अर्थाचा अर्थ कोण काढणार...?
तर वंचितापर्यंत शिक्षण कसे पोहचणार...?
मग सांगा साहेब, सर, मास्तर,
आपला भारत महासत्ता कसा होणार...?
- हरिश्चंद्र फडके

Saturday, February 11, 2012
कुणीतरी तुमची वाट पाहतंय...
मी 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' या कॅम्पेनसाठी काम करते. या मोहिमेचा उद्देश आहे - पुण्यातील सर्व सहा वर्षे वयाच्या मुलांना जून २०१२ मध्ये म.न.पा.च्या शाळांमध्ये प्रवेश मिळवून देणे. यांपैकी बहुतेक मुले पुण्यातल्या बांधकामांवर, विटभट्ट्यांवर वगैरे काम करणार्या विस्थापित मजूरांची असतील. या मुलांसाठी बालवाडी, नर्सरी सारख्या विशेष सोयी उपलब्ध नसल्याने एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स (इसीसी) शक्य असेल तिथे शाळा-तयारी वर्ग चालवण्याचा प्रयत्न करते.
माझ्यासाठी बांधकाम मजुरांच्या मुलांच्या अशा वर्गांना भेट देणे काही नविन नाही. पण इसीसीचा वर्ग सुरु होण्यापूर्वीची ही भेट मात्र धक्कादायक होती. शाळेपासून वंचित असलेल्या मुलांची आकडेवारी कागदोपत्री खूप वेळा वाचली असली तरी अशी मुले प्रत्यक्ष पाहिल्यावर आपल्याला काहीच वाटणार नाही का?
आज ही मुले याठिकाणी सहज जमली नव्हती तर 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' (एक एक मूल मोलाचे) या नागरिक अभियानाच्या प्रयत्नामुळे जमली होती. कोंढव्यातील विविध बांधकामांवरील प्राथमिक पाहणीनंतर या बिल्डरने आम्हाला बांधकाम मजुरांना भेटण्याची परवानगी दिली. त्यानंतर आम्ही या मजुरांकडून त्यांच्या व आसपासच्या बांधकाम मजुरांच्या मुलांबद्दल प्राथमिक माहिती मिळवली. या माहितीच्या आधारे बिल्डरने 'इसीसी'ला अभ्यासवर्ग चालू करण्याची परवानगी दिली. तो हा पहिला दिवस...आणि ही सारी मुले - मूर्तिमंत उत्साह!
तिथे मुले तरी किती, आणि दृश्य काय! एक ४-५ महिन्याचे मूल शांतपणे सिमेंटच्या गोणीवर झोपलेले व ३६ मुलांनी शिक्षिकेभोवती गराडा घातलेला. यातील ६-७ मुले कडेवर लहान भावंडांना घेऊन आलेली. खरे तर ही सर्व मुले शाळेत जायला हवीत. आई-वडिलांच्या कामाच्या स्वरूपामुळे आज इथे तर उद्या तिथे. नवीन भाषा, नवीन जागा, रोज नवे चेहरे यामुळे मुले पार गोंधळून गेलेली. मग या सर्व गोंधळात मुलांची शाळा राहूनच गेलेली.
यातील बरीच मुले कधीही शाळेत गेली नाहीत. नर्सरी-बालवाडी हे शब्द कानावर पडलेच नाहीत. आता मात्र गाणी, गोष्टी कानावर पडताच चेहरे फुलले. लहान-मोठी मुले गोष्टीची पुस्तके हातात घेऊन चित्रे पाहू लागली. चित्रांचे अर्थ विचारू लागली. शिक्षणाचा गाभा म्हणजे कुतूहल. ते मात्र प्रत्येकाच्या चेहर्यावर दिसत होते. थोड्या वेळात आम्ही “माझ्या आईचं पत्र हरवलं... ते मला सापडलं...” हा खेळ खेळू लागलो. आता लहान-मोठे, शिक्षक-मुले सर्व बंध गळून पडले. पाहता-पाहता दोन मराठी वाक्ये मुले शिकली...अगदी नकळत.
आमची निघायची वेळ झाली. बिल्डरने मुलांसाठी काही बिस्किट पुड्यांची व्यवस्था केली होती. मुले खाता-खाता निरोप घेऊ लागली. सर्वानी आम्हाला उद्या या... परवा पण या... रोज-रोज या... असे सांगितले.
आम्हाला हेच हवे आहे, पण त्यासाठी बर्याच अडचणींना सामोरे जावे लागेलः बिल्डरची परवानगी, योग्य शिक्षकाचा शोध, त्यांची नेमणूक व पगार, मुलांसाठी पुस्तके, खेळ, वगैरे वगैरे. या साइटवरच्या वर्गाचा खर्च बिल्डर उचलेल अशी आम्ही आशा करतो. त्याने फक्त याच वर्गाला मदत होईल असे नाही तर खराखुरा विकास साधण्यासाठी पोषक वातावरणही तयार होईल.
आणि अर्थातच, एक एक मूल मोलाचे आहे, त्या प्रत्येकाला शिक्षण घेण्याचा हक्क आहे... यासाठी निरनिराळ्या संधी उपलब्ध करुन द्यायच्या आहेत - आपल्याला!
अर्चना व्यवहारकर
माझ्यासाठी बांधकाम मजुरांच्या मुलांच्या अशा वर्गांना भेट देणे काही नविन नाही. पण इसीसीचा वर्ग सुरु होण्यापूर्वीची ही भेट मात्र धक्कादायक होती. शाळेपासून वंचित असलेल्या मुलांची आकडेवारी कागदोपत्री खूप वेळा वाचली असली तरी अशी मुले प्रत्यक्ष पाहिल्यावर आपल्याला काहीच वाटणार नाही का?
आज ही मुले याठिकाणी सहज जमली नव्हती तर 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' (एक एक मूल मोलाचे) या नागरिक अभियानाच्या प्रयत्नामुळे जमली होती. कोंढव्यातील विविध बांधकामांवरील प्राथमिक पाहणीनंतर या बिल्डरने आम्हाला बांधकाम मजुरांना भेटण्याची परवानगी दिली. त्यानंतर आम्ही या मजुरांकडून त्यांच्या व आसपासच्या बांधकाम मजुरांच्या मुलांबद्दल प्राथमिक माहिती मिळवली. या माहितीच्या आधारे बिल्डरने 'इसीसी'ला अभ्यासवर्ग चालू करण्याची परवानगी दिली. तो हा पहिला दिवस...आणि ही सारी मुले - मूर्तिमंत उत्साह!
तिथे मुले तरी किती, आणि दृश्य काय! एक ४-५ महिन्याचे मूल शांतपणे सिमेंटच्या गोणीवर झोपलेले व ३६ मुलांनी शिक्षिकेभोवती गराडा घातलेला. यातील ६-७ मुले कडेवर लहान भावंडांना घेऊन आलेली. खरे तर ही सर्व मुले शाळेत जायला हवीत. आई-वडिलांच्या कामाच्या स्वरूपामुळे आज इथे तर उद्या तिथे. नवीन भाषा, नवीन जागा, रोज नवे चेहरे यामुळे मुले पार गोंधळून गेलेली. मग या सर्व गोंधळात मुलांची शाळा राहूनच गेलेली.
यातील बरीच मुले कधीही शाळेत गेली नाहीत. नर्सरी-बालवाडी हे शब्द कानावर पडलेच नाहीत. आता मात्र गाणी, गोष्टी कानावर पडताच चेहरे फुलले. लहान-मोठी मुले गोष्टीची पुस्तके हातात घेऊन चित्रे पाहू लागली. चित्रांचे अर्थ विचारू लागली. शिक्षणाचा गाभा म्हणजे कुतूहल. ते मात्र प्रत्येकाच्या चेहर्यावर दिसत होते. थोड्या वेळात आम्ही “माझ्या आईचं पत्र हरवलं... ते मला सापडलं...” हा खेळ खेळू लागलो. आता लहान-मोठे, शिक्षक-मुले सर्व बंध गळून पडले. पाहता-पाहता दोन मराठी वाक्ये मुले शिकली...अगदी नकळत.
आमची निघायची वेळ झाली. बिल्डरने मुलांसाठी काही बिस्किट पुड्यांची व्यवस्था केली होती. मुले खाता-खाता निरोप घेऊ लागली. सर्वानी आम्हाला उद्या या... परवा पण या... रोज-रोज या... असे सांगितले.
आम्हाला हेच हवे आहे, पण त्यासाठी बर्याच अडचणींना सामोरे जावे लागेलः बिल्डरची परवानगी, योग्य शिक्षकाचा शोध, त्यांची नेमणूक व पगार, मुलांसाठी पुस्तके, खेळ, वगैरे वगैरे. या साइटवरच्या वर्गाचा खर्च बिल्डर उचलेल अशी आम्ही आशा करतो. त्याने फक्त याच वर्गाला मदत होईल असे नाही तर खराखुरा विकास साधण्यासाठी पोषक वातावरणही तयार होईल.
आणि अर्थातच, एक एक मूल मोलाचे आहे, त्या प्रत्येकाला शिक्षण घेण्याचा हक्क आहे... यासाठी निरनिराळ्या संधी उपलब्ध करुन द्यायच्या आहेत - आपल्याला!
अर्चना व्यवहारकर
Future awaits us at a construction site...
I work with Every Child Counts campaign, which aims at enrolling all six years old children in corporation schools by June 2012. Mostly, these children are from migrant labor families, working at construction sites, brick-kilns, and other such places in Pune. As there is no other pre-schooling facility for these children, ECC tries to conduct school preparation classes, wherever possible.
Visiting a school preparation class at a construction site is not new to me. And yet, when I visited the construction site where Every Child Counts is yet to start a class, reality continues to shock me. In spite of being aware of the statistical data of out-of-school children, when you come face to face with these unseen, unaccounted children, how can you remain unaffected?
So many children! Today these children have gathered here not by chance but by the determined efforts of a few at ECC. After an initial survey of the construction site, permission was taken from the concerned builder to allow us to meet the children’s parents - the laborers who work on the site- and gather some basic information about the children living in the labor camps in the vicinity. The builder has allowed us to hold a class for the ECC campaign. And today, here they are…..all the children in full force!
But there are so many children! A four or five month old baby fast asleep on a cement sack and 36 other kids sitting around a teacher with curiosity written all over them. Those who should be in school (about 6-7 of them) have younger siblings in tow. Their once-upon-a-time school days almost belong to another world. Being uprooted is linked to their parents’ livelihood. A new place, a new language, new insecurities….so school remains a thing of the past and a distant dream for most of them.
There are about 12 children 6-7 years of age. They are on the centre stage for the ECC campaign but they are not aware of it as yet. All the children are asked if they would like to go to school and the answer is a resounding ‘yes’!
Of the others, most of them have never been to a school of any sort. Nursery/pre-primary schools are unheard of. But their faces light up when they play with puzzles, repeat an action song line by line, or listen to a story. They may not be six years old but they sense there is something exciting happening here. The teacher distributes a few picture story books. They hold it hesitantly but then soon turn pages and point out interesting things they’ve discovered in it. They are waiting and ready to be guided towards the learning mode.
After some time all the children play a game: “Majhya aaiche patra haravale…..te mala sapadle…”. An enthusiastic group has learnt two sentences in Marathi without realizing it.
The builder has arranged for some biscuit packets to be distributed to the children. And as we say bye- bye, they ask us to come the next day and the next and the next!
Yes, that is exactly what we would like to do, but we have to overcome many obstacles in the way: permission from the builder, identifying and training teachers, paying their salary, collecting and making suitable teaching aids and so on. We hope the builder agrees to sponsor this site. That will not only help and encourage us but also develop a symbiotic relationship essential for development in the true sense.
And of course, every child counts, has a right to education, and deserves every opportunity to attain it!
Archana Vyavaharkar
Visiting a school preparation class at a construction site is not new to me. And yet, when I visited the construction site where Every Child Counts is yet to start a class, reality continues to shock me. In spite of being aware of the statistical data of out-of-school children, when you come face to face with these unseen, unaccounted children, how can you remain unaffected?
So many children! Today these children have gathered here not by chance but by the determined efforts of a few at ECC. After an initial survey of the construction site, permission was taken from the concerned builder to allow us to meet the children’s parents - the laborers who work on the site- and gather some basic information about the children living in the labor camps in the vicinity. The builder has allowed us to hold a class for the ECC campaign. And today, here they are…..all the children in full force!
But there are so many children! A four or five month old baby fast asleep on a cement sack and 36 other kids sitting around a teacher with curiosity written all over them. Those who should be in school (about 6-7 of them) have younger siblings in tow. Their once-upon-a-time school days almost belong to another world. Being uprooted is linked to their parents’ livelihood. A new place, a new language, new insecurities….so school remains a thing of the past and a distant dream for most of them.
There are about 12 children 6-7 years of age. They are on the centre stage for the ECC campaign but they are not aware of it as yet. All the children are asked if they would like to go to school and the answer is a resounding ‘yes’!
Of the others, most of them have never been to a school of any sort. Nursery/pre-primary schools are unheard of. But their faces light up when they play with puzzles, repeat an action song line by line, or listen to a story. They may not be six years old but they sense there is something exciting happening here. The teacher distributes a few picture story books. They hold it hesitantly but then soon turn pages and point out interesting things they’ve discovered in it. They are waiting and ready to be guided towards the learning mode.
After some time all the children play a game: “Majhya aaiche patra haravale…..te mala sapadle…”. An enthusiastic group has learnt two sentences in Marathi without realizing it.
The builder has arranged for some biscuit packets to be distributed to the children. And as we say bye- bye, they ask us to come the next day and the next and the next!
Yes, that is exactly what we would like to do, but we have to overcome many obstacles in the way: permission from the builder, identifying and training teachers, paying their salary, collecting and making suitable teaching aids and so on. We hope the builder agrees to sponsor this site. That will not only help and encourage us but also develop a symbiotic relationship essential for development in the true sense.
And of course, every child counts, has a right to education, and deserves every opportunity to attain it!
Archana Vyavaharkar
Monday, February 6, 2012
ECC news in Maharashtra Times
Every Child Counts campaign was covered by Marathi newspaper Maharashtra Times on 6th February 2012.
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं!
एज्युकेशन हब, आयटी-बीटीचे शहर म्हणून दिवसागणिक विस्तारणाऱ्या पुण्यात शालाबाह्य मुलांचे प्रमाण 'लक्षणीय' आहे. शिक्षण हक्क कायदा, सर्व शिक्षण अभियान यासारख्या योजना कागदावर परफेक्ट दिसत असल्या तरी मुलांना शाळेपर्यंत आणण्यात त्या कमी पडत आहेत. त्यामुळेच आता केवळ सरकारी यंत्रणांवर या मुलांची जबाबदारी ढकलून न देता सहा वर्षाच्या प्रत्येक मुलाला येत्या जूनमध्ये शाळेच्या दारापर्यंत नेऊन पोचविण्यासाठी 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' हे विशेष शहरव्यापी अभियान हाती घेण्यात आले आहे...
'महाराष्ट्र टाइम्स'च्या वेबसाइटवर संपूर्ण बातमी वाचा - http://maharashtratimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/11770831.cms
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं!
एज्युकेशन हब, आयटी-बीटीचे शहर म्हणून दिवसागणिक विस्तारणाऱ्या पुण्यात शालाबाह्य मुलांचे प्रमाण 'लक्षणीय' आहे. शिक्षण हक्क कायदा, सर्व शिक्षण अभियान यासारख्या योजना कागदावर परफेक्ट दिसत असल्या तरी मुलांना शाळेपर्यंत आणण्यात त्या कमी पडत आहेत. त्यामुळेच आता केवळ सरकारी यंत्रणांवर या मुलांची जबाबदारी ढकलून न देता सहा वर्षाच्या प्रत्येक मुलाला येत्या जूनमध्ये शाळेच्या दारापर्यंत नेऊन पोचविण्यासाठी 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' हे विशेष शहरव्यापी अभियान हाती घेण्यात आले आहे...
'महाराष्ट्र टाइम्स'च्या वेबसाइटवर संपूर्ण बातमी वाचा - http://maharashtratimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/11770831.cms
Friday, February 3, 2012
'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' कॅम्पेन
भारतीय राज्यघटनेनं प्रत्येक मुलाला मोफत शिक्षणाचा अधिकार प्रदान केला आहे. परंतु आजूबाजूला नजर टाकल्यास आपल्याला दिसून येतील अनेक अशी मुलं जी आजही शाळा, शिक्षण, अभ्यास यांपासून दूर आहेत. काही आर्थिक कारणांमुळं, काही सामाजिक कारणांमुळं, किंवा काही कौटुंबिक कारणांमुळं. उदाहरणार्थ, बांधकाम मजूरांची मुलं. कामाच्या ठिकाणी चार-सहा महिने वस्ती करुन नंतर दुसर्या ठिकाणी स्थलांतरित होत राहणारी ही कुटुंबं. यांची मुलं कुठल्या शाळेत जातात? त्यांच्या शाळा-प्रवेशासाठी पालकांना वेळ मिळतो का? दर चार-सहा महिन्यांनी नवी शाळा शोधणं आणि पुन्हा प्रवेश घेणं त्यांना जमतं का? शाळा, शाळेतले शिक्षक त्यांना कितपत सहकार्य करतात? आणि या सर्व सामाजिक परिस्थितीत एक सुजाण नागरिक म्हणून आपली भूमिका काय?
पुण्यात मुलांच्या शिक्षणासाठी काम करणार्या काही संस्था, काही व्यक्ती या मुद्यावर एकत्र आल्या आहेत. आणि सुरु झालं आहे एक नागरिक अभियान - सिटीझन्स कॅम्पेन - 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' अर्थात् 'एक एक मूल मोलाचं'. निश्चय केला आहे पुण्यातील प्रत्येक सहा वर्षांचं मूल शाळेत धाडण्याचा. जून २०१२ मध्ये इयत्ता पहिलीत प्रवेश घेण्याच्या वयाची सर्व मुलं शोधून काढायची आहेत. त्यांना जवळच्या म.न.पा. शाळेत प्रवेश मिळवून द्यायचा आहे. आणि यासाठी लागणार्या सर्व गोष्टींची जुळणी 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' च्या अंतर्गत करण्यात येत आहे. पुणे हे विद्येचं माहेरघर म्हटलं जातं ना? मग जून २०१२ मध्ये पुण्यातली सगळी सहा वर्षांची मुलं शाळेत गेलीच पाहिजेत, हा निश्चय आम्ही केलाय. तुम्हीही तुमच्या भागातील अशी मुलं शोधून त्यांना शाळेपर्यंत पोचण्यास मदत करू शकता. एक जबाबदार नागरिक म्हणून या मोहिमेत सहभागी व्हा. हे कसं करता येईल त्याची संपूर्ण माहिती तुम्हाला मिळेल.
आमच्याशी संपर्क साधण्यासाठी कॉल करा -
रजनी परांजपे ९३७१००७८४४
मंदार शिंदे ९८२२४०१२४६
पुण्यात मुलांच्या शिक्षणासाठी काम करणार्या काही संस्था, काही व्यक्ती या मुद्यावर एकत्र आल्या आहेत. आणि सुरु झालं आहे एक नागरिक अभियान - सिटीझन्स कॅम्पेन - 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' अर्थात् 'एक एक मूल मोलाचं'. निश्चय केला आहे पुण्यातील प्रत्येक सहा वर्षांचं मूल शाळेत धाडण्याचा. जून २०१२ मध्ये इयत्ता पहिलीत प्रवेश घेण्याच्या वयाची सर्व मुलं शोधून काढायची आहेत. त्यांना जवळच्या म.न.पा. शाळेत प्रवेश मिळवून द्यायचा आहे. आणि यासाठी लागणार्या सर्व गोष्टींची जुळणी 'एव्हरी चाइल्ड काउंट्स' च्या अंतर्गत करण्यात येत आहे. पुणे हे विद्येचं माहेरघर म्हटलं जातं ना? मग जून २०१२ मध्ये पुण्यातली सगळी सहा वर्षांची मुलं शाळेत गेलीच पाहिजेत, हा निश्चय आम्ही केलाय. तुम्हीही तुमच्या भागातील अशी मुलं शोधून त्यांना शाळेपर्यंत पोचण्यास मदत करू शकता. एक जबाबदार नागरिक म्हणून या मोहिमेत सहभागी व्हा. हे कसं करता येईल त्याची संपूर्ण माहिती तुम्हाला मिळेल.
आमच्याशी संपर्क साधण्यासाठी कॉल करा -
रजनी परांजपे ९३७१००७८४४
मंदार शिंदे ९८२२४०१२४६
Volunteering Opportunities with ECC Campaign
If you want to join 'Every Child Counts' campaign as a group or institute, you can take responsibility of your own area - for finding and enrolling children in schools. The information about schools and admission procedure will be provided to you during induction programme. In case of any difficulties, you can contact the campaign team for support.
There are several ways of contributing to the campaign, some involve field work while some can be done from home.
1. Field Work
- Survey of construction sites in your area where labour camps are seen;
- Data collection for all 6 years old children in labour camps;
- Talking to construction labour, preparing documents for school enrolments, talking to corporation school teachers, etc;
- Actual admissions in June-2012 and subsequent follow-up for one academic term;
- Reporting the enrolment data and observations during enrolment drive.
2. Home Work
- Mapping of your area or other, with corporation schools and construction sites;
- Addressing students' or citizens' groups in your area;
- Publicising the campaign through newspapers, classifieds, radio, etc;
- Promoting the campaign through social networking websites and forums;
- Writing blogposts, updating Facebook/Twitter accounts for the campaign;
- Raising funds for campaign activities (can be done through some tee-shirt printing+selling, street-play, etc. events).
Citizens are also welcome to suggest their own ways of contributing to the cause.
Do not think you can not do much; believe us you can... because you are not alone.
Together, we can! All you need is desire to help.
There are several ways of contributing to the campaign, some involve field work while some can be done from home.
1. Field Work
- Survey of construction sites in your area where labour camps are seen;
- Data collection for all 6 years old children in labour camps;
- Talking to construction labour, preparing documents for school enrolments, talking to corporation school teachers, etc;
- Actual admissions in June-2012 and subsequent follow-up for one academic term;
- Reporting the enrolment data and observations during enrolment drive.
2. Home Work
- Mapping of your area or other, with corporation schools and construction sites;
- Addressing students' or citizens' groups in your area;
- Publicising the campaign through newspapers, classifieds, radio, etc;
- Promoting the campaign through social networking websites and forums;
- Writing blogposts, updating Facebook/Twitter accounts for the campaign;
- Raising funds for campaign activities (can be done through some tee-shirt printing+selling, street-play, etc. events).
Citizens are also welcome to suggest their own ways of contributing to the cause.
Do not think you can not do much; believe us you can... because you are not alone.
Together, we can! All you need is desire to help.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
ECC Banners for Websites
Now you can show your support to Every Child Counts by displaying any of campaign banners on your website or blog. These banners are designed in various sizes to fit in layout of your blog/website.
Visit the Downloads page on ECC blog:
Visit the Downloads page on ECC blog:

Sunday, January 22, 2012
Citizens' Campaign
'Every Child Counts' - Citizens' Campaign
Every child has right to get education. But due to social, economical, or family problems, some children are deprived of this right. ‘Every Child Counts’ is a campaign initiated for such children. ECC plans to reach out to all 6-7 years old children in Pune who should be in schools and to ensure their enrolment in corporation schools by June 2012. If you feel every child counts and every child should get education, please join ‘Every Child Counts’ campaign that offers localised volunteering opportunities to all willing citizens in Pune. Contact Rajani Paranjpe at 9371007844 or Mandar Shinde at 9822401246 or e-mail to everychildcounts.pune@gmail.com. For more details, visit http://everychildcounts-pune.blogspot.com or http://on.fb.me/eccpune or http://twitter.com/eccpune.
'Every Child Counts' - Citizens' Campaign
Every child has right to get education. But due to social, economical, or family problems, some children are deprived of this right. ‘Every Child Counts’ is a campaign initiated for such children. ECC plans to reach out to all 6-7 years old children in Pune who should be in schools and to ensure their enrolment in corporation schools by June 2012. If you feel every child counts and every child should get education, please join ‘Every Child Counts’ campaign that offers localised volunteering opportunities to all willing citizens in Pune. Contact Rajani Paranjpe at 9371007844 or Mandar Shinde at 9822401246 or e-mail to everychildcounts.pune@gmail.com. For more details, visit http://everychildcounts-pune.blogspot.com or http://on.fb.me/eccpune or http://twitter.com/eccpune.
Friday, January 20, 2012
'Every Child Counts' Presentation
'Every Child Counts' Presentation
Friday, January 13, 2012
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं...
शहाणपणाच्या रस्त्यावरचं पहिलं ठिकाण मोक्याचं
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं गं सहावं वरीस शाळेचं
मिळाला मोका शिकण्याचा, अ आ इ ई वाचण्याचा
पाठीवरती दप्तर घेतलं, आणि चालणं ठेक्याचं
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं...
बाराखडी मी शिकली गं, मला गणितं सुटली गं
पाटीवरती सांडु लागलं, टपोरं अक्षर मोत्याचं
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं...
ओढ लागली शिकण्याची, शाळेमधल्या गमतीची
आज मला हे गुपित कळलं, माणूस मोठ्ठा बनण्याचं
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं...
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं गं सहावं वरीस शाळेचं
मिळाला मोका शिकण्याचा, अ आ इ ई वाचण्याचा
पाठीवरती दप्तर घेतलं, आणि चालणं ठेक्याचं
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं...
बाराखडी मी शिकली गं, मला गणितं सुटली गं
पाटीवरती सांडु लागलं, टपोरं अक्षर मोत्याचं
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं...
ओढ लागली शिकण्याची, शाळेमधल्या गमतीची
आज मला हे गुपित कळलं, माणूस मोठ्ठा बनण्याचं
सहावं वरीस शाळेचं...
Thursday, January 5, 2012
स्कूल चले हम...
सवेरे-सवेरे यारों से मिलने
बन-ठन के निकले हम
सवेरे-सवेरे यारों से मिलने
घर से दूर चले हम
रोके से ना रुके हम
मर्जी से चले हम
बादल सा गरजे हम
सावन सा बरसे हम
सूरज सा चमके हम
स्कूल चले हम
इसके दरवाजे से दुनिया के राज खुलते हैं
कोइ आगे चलता है
हम पीछे चलते हैं
दीवारों पे किस्मत अपनी लिक्खी जाती है
इस से हम को जीने की वजह
मिलती जाती है
रोके से ना रुके हम
मर्जी से चले हम
बादल सा गरजे हम
सावन सा बरसे हम
सूरज सा चमके हम
स्कूल चले हम
बन-ठन के निकले हम
सवेरे-सवेरे यारों से मिलने
घर से दूर चले हम
रोके से ना रुके हम
मर्जी से चले हम
बादल सा गरजे हम
सावन सा बरसे हम
सूरज सा चमके हम
स्कूल चले हम
इसके दरवाजे से दुनिया के राज खुलते हैं
कोइ आगे चलता है
हम पीछे चलते हैं
दीवारों पे किस्मत अपनी लिक्खी जाती है
इस से हम को जीने की वजह
मिलती जाती है
रोके से ना रुके हम
मर्जी से चले हम
बादल सा गरजे हम
सावन सा बरसे हम
सूरज सा चमके हम
स्कूल चले हम
Handling Language Difference
Under 'Every Child Counts' campaign, we are talking of enrolling migrant labourers' children into schools. Many of the migrant labourers in Pune are observed to be non-Maharashtrians. That means their mother-tongue is not Marathi. However, most of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) schools are of Marathi-medium. When we approach parents (migrant labourers) for enrolling their children into PMC schools, these questions are raised by them -
- How will our (non-Marathi) child understand what Marathi teachers are teaching?
- What is the use of our children learning Marathi if we are going back to our native place after this work is over?
- The child will have to start from scratch again when we move back to Karnataka/Rajasthan/Bihar/Andhra, etc. Isn't Marathi learning a waste of time then?
- Why should our child learn Marathi when our mother-tongue is Telugu/Kannada/Tamil/Bengali/Hindi, etc?
So, how do we handle this?
We have observed that children do not have much difficulty in learning new languages. They can adopt to new language much faster than adults. It is the parents' fear that Marathi-medium will become an obstacle in their child's learning. Mentioned below are some arguments that we use to convince such parents:
1. A school-going child learns how to learn, whether in its native language or other. Even if the family moves back to their native place, the child will be in a 'learning mode', which will help it adjust and pick-up with education from that point onwards.
2. If the family stays here for 4-5 years or more, the child has to know the local language, i.e. Marathi, for all practical purposes. Hence, the child going to Marathi school will actually help it and its family in making their stay more comfortable here.
3. The script of Marathi is Devanagari which is same as Hindi. So, a child who can read/write Marathi can read/write Hindi, as well. And Hindi being the common language across India, learning Marathi will never be a waste.
These arguments will definitely help all citizens who are going to interact with the parents for enrolling their children in schools.
- How will our (non-Marathi) child understand what Marathi teachers are teaching?
- What is the use of our children learning Marathi if we are going back to our native place after this work is over?
- The child will have to start from scratch again when we move back to Karnataka/Rajasthan/Bihar/Andhra, etc. Isn't Marathi learning a waste of time then?
- Why should our child learn Marathi when our mother-tongue is Telugu/Kannada/Tamil/Bengali/Hindi, etc?
So, how do we handle this?
We have observed that children do not have much difficulty in learning new languages. They can adopt to new language much faster than adults. It is the parents' fear that Marathi-medium will become an obstacle in their child's learning. Mentioned below are some arguments that we use to convince such parents:
1. A school-going child learns how to learn, whether in its native language or other. Even if the family moves back to their native place, the child will be in a 'learning mode', which will help it adjust and pick-up with education from that point onwards.
2. If the family stays here for 4-5 years or more, the child has to know the local language, i.e. Marathi, for all practical purposes. Hence, the child going to Marathi school will actually help it and its family in making their stay more comfortable here.
3. The script of Marathi is Devanagari which is same as Hindi. So, a child who can read/write Marathi can read/write Hindi, as well. And Hindi being the common language across India, learning Marathi will never be a waste.
These arguments will definitely help all citizens who are going to interact with the parents for enrolling their children in schools.
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